
On a related note, here’s the most fucked up thing I’ve read in a long while. I’m reading Governor Bradford’s diary of the first twenty years of life in the Plymouth colony, and late in the book he relates one episode in which a teenage boy was caught sodomizing a farm animal. He eventually confessed to relations with

I mean...

Reminds me of a case where the student’s attorney had the audacity to argue the simple act of a female changing pants in front of a male constitutes consent.

Regardless of the merits, this is REALLY bad timing, dude. Your name is going to be handcuffed to BROCK TURNER UNREPENTANT STANFORD RAPIST forever.

Yep. That quote from the judge -

Yeppers. My first thought as well. He looks like the type who feels he is deserved a blow job.

I like how he puts his arm around *her* in the article’s pic though, not a proper actor like smarmy Levine but good for a feel ew

He also tweeted this.

These female directors seemed to have no issues with her, so...

That is completely how I read it too

So, she totally rebuffed his flirting and he’s taking his hurt fee-fees to the media, right?

That is literally the definition of being an actor.

From people I have actually heard of:

Hate to break it to you director dude, but Keira fucking made that movie. I went in loving Mark Ruffalo, I came out being basically infatuated with Knightly.

Keira’s thing is to hide who you are and I don’t think you can be an actor and do that.

I'm sorry. Stop the...whatever you stop in blogging. Did this jaghole just call ADAM LEVINE a proper film actor and KEIRA KNIGHTLEY is not? Those words do not make any sense in that order. No.

To be fair, particle accelerators are basically the same idea.

“I know people think I’ve had a nose job.”