
Mmmmhmmm. I also love that the Confederacy kept hoping Britain (which abolished slavery in would jump in to help them to keep getting cotton, and Britain was like, “Nah” and moved on to buying cotton from Egypt and the East Indies. Ha.

Definitely started around age 11 and has only gotten worse over the years. I had a bit of a falling out with my dad last summer when I told him a family friend had said some gross, inappropriate things to me while staring at my chest, and he asked what I expected when I was showing cleavage. That was the first time I

Twice! I was lucky once.

Ahhh, the beauty of contextual advertising. Someone will be getting an angry phone call soon.

Same. Ended up breaking up with an ex because he was such an asshole to me after finding out I'd had far more partners than him (not hard to do, I was his 2nd). I recognized it was coming from a place of insecurity for him but I refused to be apologetic or ashamed of it. He didn't understand that having multiple

Oooooh the manager of our office was an older man in his late 40s, early 50s, shorter than me, receding hairline…..but holy shit. I sat next to him at a work happy hour and had to restrain myself from attacking him with my mouth. Just….primal.

That also crossed my mind haha

*Ahem* "Missus"

This is also a show that featured the rape of an incapacitated, aka drunk, male character (James Franco) by Danny's ex-wife, not to mention Mindy sneaking a kiss from him while he was drunk, that resulted in Franco's character being cast as the scumbag in the situation and ultimately being forced to leave the


This isn't a radio silence story, but I laugh my ass off every time my sister tells it.

Holy shit snacks

Been holding in my rage all day while I try to move all my stuff across state lines by myself in one car. Moving is an effective tactic at taking out your rage by channeling it into carrying boxes down 5 flights and packing your sedan like a BOSS.


She is obviously doing that - she acknowledges that she feels guilty about the encounter and did for years, as do most of the women stepping forward. Hell, I blamed myself for my sexual assault for 6 years and still have to remind myself that it was not my fault that I was raped by a friend after being drugged - it

Yes, but with modeling, it's likely hard to define what constitutes a workplace setting - models don't have typical workplace protections in place. Plus, as I am sure you can see throughout these threads, people are more than willing to put the onus on the models for their treatment at Richardson's hands.

If I leave my keys in the ignition of my car in a high crime neighborhood it is not my fault at all if my car gets stolen, what is my fault is leaving my car ripe for the taking. If I walk down a dark alley late at night and get mugged it's not my fault at all, what is my fault is putting myself in danger like that.

I think you should reconsider your example there with the kid and pedophile...

Describing oneself as a pervert does not give someone else permission to take advantage and force that person into an uncomfortable situation they didn't explicitly consent to ahead of time. I'm sure she had some prior knowledge of his reputation and certainly tried to appeal to his perversion by saying that, it's a

Nothing makes me angrier than people being dismissive of others' experiences simply because they experienced it differently.