
Beat me to it.

Oh. My. God. Barbara. What. The. Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

Siiiiigh. Back when I was in high school and living at home, we had a family computer (personal laptops were def not a thing yet). I had the misfortune of using the computer in the early morning one weekend to finish up some assignment - my dad had been using it late the night before - only to discover my dad did not

Holy fucking hell, dude. If you knew absolutely anything about the statistics on reported rapes...well you'd probably still truck ahead with the assumption that every woman reporting a rape committed by a famous/powerful person is lying.

Oh nooooo. He looks like a heavier Tobey Maguire now.

"I got two other bros that are just like I" IS IMPROPER GRAMMAR, LANJOMIL. I AM SO DISAPPOINT.

HA she is so confused and weirded out by this....

Oh, just the way this douchecanoe writes. The phrasing just seems very awkward, a la "Increasingly, Americans don't have the career opportunities". Ack. Maybe I am nitpicking here, but I had a difficult time reading anything he had to say because it was so poorly written.

Holy terrible syntax, Batman! Yeesh.

Yes. Yes they are. I am in a twitter discussion with someone who is saying we don't have a fundamental right to health care....

I said it before and I will say it again - if you think your religious beliefs justify restrictions to my health coverage, I get to sit down with you and have you prove just how legitimate your beliefs are.

Oh is this after the One of a Kind discount?

One of my best friends (female) is OBSESSED with football, and most especially, the Manning family. Like, actually watches this one documentary on their family at least once a month. She has the jerseys, the hats, the whole nine yards. I too am a football fan but not to the same extent, so the immediate assumption is

The cynic in me thinks he probably wouldn't have received a very different sentence had that been the case. Perhaps some jail time, but since he is an affluent middle-aged white man who showed "repentance" by crying in court you can bet his sentence would have been reduced.

Go figure everyone is concerned that having female soldiers might be damaging to the military, instead of being concerned and disgusted by superior officers who abuse their rank to abuse soldiers serving our country. Yeah. The whole thing is so backwards and sickening. many of these people have actually read the New Testament? It seems like a lot of fundamentalists like to cite the Old Testament when hating on LGBT people but forget that the OT is NOT the basis of Jesus' church because it is a series of Hebrew texts from the Tanakh....aka not Christianity. Am I missing


One of my best friends was walking with a group of her male friends one night on our campus, and they still got held up and physically attacked by a couple of people even though they outnumbered the assailants. So. While it's well-meaning advice, it's definitely not a guarantee of safety unfortunately.

MY DAD DID THAT TO ME TOO! He ruined A Separate Peace for me, and I have never let him forget it.