
When they are finally able to be on the front lines? Not sure - I am a bit muddy on the status of these changes allowing women to be in active combat. I am a woman and I honestly think we should have to sign up for the draft as well.

Now playing

I'm going to totally plug my own a cappella group....We've been doing something called Interludes, where a few girls from the group do a short arrangement of a song. We covered Royals! It's so good! Blooper reel!

Now playing

I'm going to totally plug my own a cappella group....We've been doing something called Interludes, where a few girls from the group do a short arrangement of a song. We covered Royals! It's so good! Blooper reel!

Agreed. While worded bluntly, which I think a lot of people take issue with, the message is essentially that the Army undermines its efforts to integrate women if their PR focuses on women who look camera ready rather than combat ready. It reinforces the BS idea that women in the military are not serious about it,

Sometimes you just gotta drown em out with fuzzy bun buns.