Brodar Kayne

She proceeds to explain to him that only a hamburger contains meat, and that a cheeseburger is vegetarian. She says she knows this because she has been to McDonald’s in London literally *hundreds* of times in the last few years, and that a cheeseburger is always vegetarian when she orders one!

“Kotaku” is not trying to “push” anything on anyone, I just think Nolan North is way better! I like that it’s a debate, and that not everyone agrees. I do like needling Dinklebot apologists a little, though.

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio recently praised Minecraft. “If you play Minecraft, you’re basically writing code when you’re converting a hammer into a pickax,” said Rubio, according to the AP. “Kids might not realize they’re coding, but that’s going to be almost a basic proficiency just because of the

i love this gif so much bc his joy and pride are fucking palpable

But no true Christian supports marriage equality; therefore, none of those people are actually Christians. The logic is really quite airtight as you see.

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For those who aren’t in the know or want a refresher.