Brodar Kayne

Subnautica is the best horror game I've played

7.5 months to go baby! 

7.5 months to go baby! 

Angry Warren of Elizabeth's? 


I find it kinda funny(and sad) that Gro Harlem Brundtland is Norwegian and the language used there is way above the average reading comprehension

Subnautica feels

What's yours? Because the one you replied to had one that you obviously didn't grasp. 

Freedom Bomber Jacket sounds like a bomb vest blueprint for terrorists... 

Agree to all of it. 

I often have twitch on while I play another game, or just in the background f.ex.

That... was glorious. 

It says “especially”, not “only”.

He can spell Covfefe though, USA! USA! USA! 

I'm happy that in Norway it is on HBO :) 

That last paragraph made me tear up a bit, because I have read it, and I can't read a new book from him... 

I hope so... I truly do

In John Legends words, “I’m gonna love you now”, to both you, glorious Pizzafarts, and


Yeah, that’s how I’ve always held a playstation controller for twenty years.

I got Gear Vr and don’t have to use glasses when using them