
Hard to imagine anyone other than Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade after the definitive "The Maltese Falcon." (The only reason anyone should want to remake it would be to include the Flitcraft story, good luck finding anyone who could be as Gutman as Greenstreet, or as Joel Cairo as Peter Lorre …)

Squint a little harder and you'll see a Cyberman waving at you, too. See him in that black smoodge in front of the sort-of-TARDISy blue smoodge?

No "moon racists," just moon races (as in "the races that live there." Been watching those Nazis from the dark side of the moon you tube videos, have ya? :P

No "moon racists," just moon races (as in "the races that live there." Been watching those Nazis from the dark side of the moon you tube videos, have ya? :P