
I’d beg anyone to do better . Smash Ultimate is already the largest roster, and arguably accomplishment, in all of fighting games. I get that it sucks when you see so many characters added in, but not the on you’re fighting for, but it’s not possible to add everything.  Just enjoy what’s there.

Hopefully it’s not another sword fighter.

Show runners feed it too. New Doctor Who is a good example where for the first several series the companions always wanted to fuck/fell in love with the Doctor but everyone who has ever watched Doctor Who knew he’d never end up in a relationship.

He probably could’ve phrased it better, but I agree with the underlying sentiment 100%. It’s absurd that every male friendship gets distorted into a potential gay relationship, even when there’s no evidence beyond the relationship being just a male friendship. Happens with female friendships, too (see, e.g.,


Republicans are usually both.

He’s either a liar or ignorant. 

It was a good game up that came out in an absolutely stacked year featuring Skyrim, Dark Souls, Arkham City, Portal 2, and Uncharted 3. The Wii was showing its age being 480p in an age most had adopted HD, and people were over motion controls by then. I think the same game with the same controls coming out at launch

Skyward Sword sold like 3 or 4 million copies, yet there seems to be about 25 million people who claim to hate it. They want to give that game a fresh start, and if you look at BotW2 trailer, it seems like it might use some elements of the game. If people think they’re getting more Zelda ports this year, they might

Link’s Awakening makes this worth it on its own

...I have never been feeling the quote “You idiots, you’ve captured their stunt doubles!” than watching this stuff.

Was thinking about the ME remaster last night, as I’m almost done with 1. I kinda respect the fact that, while they smoothed some of the rough edges, they didn’t remake the game and left it’s existing flaws in place. It’s a good reminder of how far console RPGs have come since then. As far as I can tell, I still can’t

Why do you feel the need to defend AVClub so hard? Did someone bump into it?

You think the only people who found this story to be a ridiculous nothing-burger were dudes?

I’m going to dissect this bullshit one bit at a time:

Now, almost a full week later, Kemper has finally decided to respond to the controversy by posting a statement on Instagram in which she distances herself from “the organization” (she doesn’t name it) and says that she “was old enough” at the time to have learned about it before getting involved.

It’s a good apology. Mine would probably sound like:

I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

Ellie Kemper was crowned in a ball that had semi-well known KKK roots when she was 19. It came out again this week (since it was previously known), a couple of GMG sites tried to make a thing out of it,but it blew over because people recognize it’s not the story we’re being told it is.

I’m a strong believer of separating art from artists, but when possible buying things in ways that don’t give shitty people money.    Buy Detroit: Become Human used at a GameStop so that it doesn’t filter money to David Cage.    It’s a genuinely good game.