
I’m absolutely in love with Mass Effect. I have probably over 1000 hours with my BroShep, and over 200 with my FemShep. I’ve got every single piece of DLC, and my work desk has 4 out of the 5 original Funkos sitting on it (damn you for being so expensive, Grunt).

Sad: no Switch port.

I’m just uncovering their story and relationship, and you’re right; it is stellar. 

You can get the best endings in ME3 without touching the MP; you just have to do everything.

That’s why they introduce Vega, and reintroduce whomever you saved on Virmire; that way you can at least have a full squad for missions (and Javik if you get the DLC). 

Door hack needs to be a Tech-heavy unit; I’m pretty sure I have Tali do that. 

You lost Garrus AND Tali?

I mean, it wasn’t just Tony’s decision; it was all the Avengers. 

Maria didn’t even get Snapped, so there’s no way Hulk could have brought her back. 

Wait, what? Maria died of natural causes after the Snap, not because of the Snap.

No spoilers, as I have not beaten a runthrough yet, but Meg and Zag’s relationship might be my favorite part of Hades’ story thus far. 

God, the Ultimate Universe started off with so much promise, but 99% of it is just basically trash. 

Man, the art design for this series has really gone in the shitter lately. 

I’m going with the working theory that the toaster represented the bomb that blew up her parents (represented by the actors in the commercial). 

Shit, good call. I didn’t even think of equating the Beekeeper outfit to A.I.M. 

One could roundabout call Wanda an extraterrestrial in nature, because her powers come from an extraterrestrial object.

Pretty sure that Stark toaster is allegorical for the bomb that blew up Wanda’s parents.