Yea, if anything, Zero and one should be combined, and 2 and 3 should be combined.
Yea, if anything, Zero and one should be combined, and 2 and 3 should be combined.
Chris and Wesker look spot-on. The others? Gonna need some convincing.
This is true; I was stuck in a 1-1 to 1-3 loop last night in the top 2 for about 10 minutes.
Steve looks really, really cool, and the amount of effort to integrate him into the game is staggering.
It’s exponential; he was whining worse than this in the reveal thread a few days ago.
Same, actually.
That’s fantastic. And holy hell, he looks 12.
Would the mechanic where defeated enemies get added to other maps in random spots help to mitigate that, though?
Damn, I thought this would be a race to see who could make it the farthest the fastest, and not a straight-up survival game.
This is one that could make the list, especially with 4 releasing this weekend. If I were a better man, though, I would say that Crash is still in the running for one of the other 4 spots.
Minecraft became popular because it’s a well made, easily accessible game that ended up striking a chord with millions of players; it already had its rep on the internet before the advent of streaming services such as YouTube or Twitch, and the idea that those streaming services are responsible for its popularity is…
None of those bring the cache and impact that Steve does. Crash is on my list, though. Today would have been a perfect day to announce Crash, TBH.
That’s an interesting comparison; it’s hard to judge popularity and impact on the industry with a F2P game, but I’m fairly comfortable saying that Minecraft is the bigger game/IP. At the very least, it’s got almost an 8 year head start on Fortnite.
I totally get that; I haven’t been interested in Minecraft for almost a decade now. However, you have to admit that it fits the bill perfectly for a Third Party character in Smash: massive crossover appeal and interesting moveset/stage possibilities.
Going there now!
I’m going to have to check that out.
Steve has much, much more robust possibilities for a moveset, as was shown in the video, than Sans. He’s also much, much more popular and can be considered a gaming icon, if that’s the term you would like to use.
That would be fun but as an indie, that series doesn’t have anywhere near the cache that has been shown to be needed to be included in Smash.
Holy shit, he does videos other than “year-long dives into obscure gaming topics”?
Like? I’m not necessarily saying you’re wrong, but who fits better in your opinion?