Sad, but understandable.
Sad, but understandable.
None of you win, because Provolone is still on the board.
One more time, for those in the back: Ultimate is leagues more entertaining than Melee.
Dismiss me all you want, Ultimate is still miles more entertaining than Melee is at this point.
Good for zackray! He’s been steadily getting better and better and it’s awesome that the results are starting to show.
No, because Ultimate is infinitely more entertaining to watch.
That defense always makes me laugh, seeing as the Nazi swastika and the Hindu swastika aren’t the same.
I sadly do not own a 3DS.
Me too. The Oracle games are a giant hole in my Zelda history.
I could not agree more. I’m looking forward to the almost-inevitable remakes of the Oracle games in a similar style for the same reasons.
Remember: Rule of Dowd means this is really an A-.
Really? Beer and Champagne for a play-in game victory? you not know Spider-Man? Or are you being deliberately obtuse?
Have they announced new uniform DLC? Admittedly, I don’t have the game (yet), but it seems like all the new uniforms are just reskins, where previous MUA/X-Men Legends games offered alternate uniforms.
Not for much longer!
The current text that I work with makes it up to the first year or so of Obama’s term, so it’s actually pretty up to date, in terms of texts. The rest of it I fill in with current events, tying them back to past events and things we have already discussed.
I cannot tell you, as a Social Studies teacher, how excited I am to teach this.
I know, but you can never be too careful around these parts.
I just finished the game, and I have to say (without spoiling anything), the end theme is absolutely the best piece of music in the game, and it pays proper homage to the very heart of this discussion. You’ll know it when you hear it.
I just finished the game, and I have to say (without spoiling anything), the end theme is absolutely the best piece of music in the game, and it pays proper homage to the very heart of this discussion. You’ll know it when you hear it.