I never knew that. Maybe that’s why 30 Rock had a subplot in their live episode where Tracy decided that he needed to break character in every single skit in the most annoying and hamfisted ways.
I never knew that. Maybe that’s why 30 Rock had a subplot in their live episode where Tracy decided that he needed to break character in every single skit in the most annoying and hamfisted ways.
Seth Meyers has consistently been a pleasant surprise for me. I especially appreciate the effort he took to put women and POC in his writer’s room. I never was a huge fan of his on SNL but I like his late night show.
Fallon did just have a great segment with Cardi B last week–oh wait, that was because his other guest did most of the interviewing.
There’s a story where he was on set with Olivier, and had stayed up for days because his character was supposed to have stayed up for days, and was talking about it to Olivier, and Olivier’s response was “My dear boy, have you tried just acting?”
If someone is really concerned about home security, get a dog. People who break into homes avoid homes with dogs and they won’t get turned on you should someone break in.
Was always a die hard fan of this show.
Hemsworth for adorableness and sense of humour and handsomeness and marrying a woman 7 years older (which in Hollywood is like 30 years older) and for being in Ghostbusters and for awesome ad-libbing chemistry with Melissa McCarthy.
It’s crazy how people’s tastes differ soooo much. To me, Chris Evans has the most non-remarkable, forgettable face and I have never seen the appeal. Chris Pine, on the other hand, does it for me.
Well, he’s also kind of evil. Making her accept one of her biggest fears to try and win her over sounds like him.
That’s classic manipulative behaviour though. That whole scene was just straight from the negging handbook.
Or perhaps just skirting the issue. Maybe her parents WERE nobodies, but her GRANDFATHER...whoo,boy!
This would be great, imo.
Even when watching that scene, I thought “Why should we believe what he has to say?”
Lots of actors shill for all kinds of stuff that isn’t high end. I remember Jacqueline Smith fronting a line for Kmart, JLo at Kohl’s, Fergie for Avon - a lot of them do this stuff overseas especially Japan. She is a lovely looking women and gave Reitman’s a great image. Nothing wrong with that.
Good hopefully they can turn things around and have some less off base plot points next season. I would hate for such a good show to end on the terrible s3 finale.
Sondheim’s too monotone, anyway.
I was actually really impressed this year that none of my Facebook friends or acquaintances pulled that. I saw a ton of PSA-type posts talking about infertility and miscarriage rates with women and how, bc of that, pregnancy April fools jokes are just not funny. It seemed like most people finally got that but…
Hang on to those pics and trot them out if your daughter is heading off with someone you don’t like. I come from a large family and Awkward Family Photos magically appear when a suitor appears and you want to scare them away. It’s a horrible parenting tactic but it’s effective.
Right? As poor Stephen tried to keep things on track, all I could think was Who did this to Stephen?
Created a burner just to say this couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Seriously, he is a Grade-A Asshole, even by Hollywood standards. Weinstein-like in his temper and how he treats people. I’ve witnessed him having MULTIPLE toddler-style temper tantrums over the dumbest shit and he’s had people fired over all…
Adam Sandler used to be funny and used to make great movies. Wedding singer and 50 first dates are perfection!