Chris Murray
cdmurray88 do people not know to put a towel under any dish on another dish...

Agreed. Art takes on its own life once it is released to the public.

Agreed. Art takes on its own life once it is released to the public.

this is pretty standard in eastern cuisine; meat is a flavor, not a staple.

dang, I didn't know Captain Underpants was still a thing; I read the books in elementary school... 20 years ago.

Thank god I got all this out of the way already. The DMV is bad enough on a normal day.

Everyone’s situation is different but I pretty much have a check list to make sure I have no checked bags: 1 pair of short, 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair swim trunks, 1 pair nice pants, 2 tees, 1 long comfortable shirt, a sweater, 1 long nice shirt, 4 or so sets of underware/socks, a set of sleeping clothes, comfortable

gotta pay attention to the packing liquid on most canned things; in syrup for pineapple is too sweet, get in juice or in water (less common); I get my tuna/salmon in water not oil, but I do get anchovies in oil; I always rinse my corn/hominy, beans, and other canned veggies.

I can never remember what the which one is + and which -, but my wife is nearsighted in the 8 range, so she sees an optometrist. I’m, last time I went only +.5 in one eye and -.5 in the other with a history of amblyopia and a slight astigmatism, I usually just go without my frames, I need to get tested soon because

See, I don’t like cooking fancy for myself. When the wife’s out, it’s usually the most basic stuff I can throw together.

I eat alone when the wife’s not around, and I don’t feel stigmatized, but I do tend to eat quickly and leave quickly because I just get bored.

we were out together, but this actually happened to us twice last night at two different spots.

*full disclaimer, young 30s no kids

clearly the hundreds of thousands of Chinese making the exact same mediocre takeout, that they definitely got from a restaurant supplier, in America have all moved from Wuhan in the last few months...

we got rid of lock screen widgets for a few years; here have them back”

I’ll have to look into some of the processes you mention that I’m less familiar with. OP does OTA where they just patch files for locked bootloaders, so that’s never really been an option for me, then they do OTA full OS update which I’ve done for every version before 8.0.0 and worked fine, and they offer the same

Guess it’s finally time to install TWRP and go back to LineageOS since I don’t think I’ll be getting any new updates to my OnePlus 3T. And the update to 9.0.6 doesn’t work on an unlocked bootloader anyway (a known bug that hasn’t been addressed). I’m still running 8.0.0.

thank you for finally taking the community’s advice and publishing an article alongside the video

it's the same with influenza; there are many strains. had to explain this to a coworker the other day.

I’m registered dem, because that’s how I tend to vote, but yeah, I research my candidates and vote centrist regardless of what party they are. Huge fan of my rep governor, not a huge fan of my rep senator.

“Soup prepared this way also reheats extremely well. Just bring the broth or stock to a simmer, then add a serving of your pre-cooked vegetables and let them warm back up (without mushing out)“