
74% of U.S. consumers acknowledged that producing or sharing pirated video content is illegal while 69% agreed that streaming or downloading pirated content is illegal.

I don’t follow the NFL on Twitter, but the other day I saw a promoted tweet about their independent concussion spotters.

Somehow this was a huge song on MTV but only made it to #21 on the Billboard Top 100.

I read this article and immediately thought of Grey Gardens. Am I far off? Because my wife loves Grey Gardens (like, too much) and I think we need a new one.

It was standing its ground ocean.

Thimbles forever!

I don’t know if anyone has said it yet, but we can now retire the “pot calling the kettle black” idiom forever.

Is this similar to Ticket To Ride?

Bungle-o Bills

Should’ve went with a diaper shot.

He’s available to all interested parties for a talented young skater and a 1st-3rd rounder! Interested parties must also accept Derrick Pouliot.

Your hypothetical Christmas/Groundhog Day crossover might actually do well as a movie.

I am pleasantly surprised to see that this didn’t happen at a Bills game.

If there isn’t a light shining out of her mouth when she orgasms, you’re doing it wrong.

Protests would certainly shatter livelihoods. But we would also need visible leaders to give protests legitimacy; it’s something most protests in this country lack.

I thought Sandy Hook would be the final straw. I obviously didn’t consider that many (a majority of?) Americans are sociopathic lazy idiots. Now I’m thinking it will take a widespread infrastructural collapse (read: electrical) for Americans to get out and knock skulls on a massive scale.

P.S.: silent protest? Nope, protest on city/town hall steps or in front of state Capitols. Bring the anger straight to the heart of government.

This is what I have been saying for years, but I’m afraid there are too many Americans are more interested in keeping their comfortable lives than to stop working for several days or weeks in order to make sure shit changes.

Band of Brothers for me. As far as I know, that’s the only work I know he’s done.

No Cowboy Bebop huh?