Horse Vomit

HA! Yes. GEICO, please ditch that terrible squealing pig and bring this back.

Did anyone else believe that maybe Betty actually has cancer but she is lying about it, like Joan and the abortion last season?

Really? I thought it was quite terrible.

My mom has had two nose jobs along with other procedures. She is also very narcissistic. Watching her spend so much time worrying about aging, her appearance and how others perceive her has led me to not give a single fuck. Do I have her original nose or my dad's? Neither. I have my nose.

Thanks, Invisible Children, for the post-it memo, but I already knew I was a snarky bitch.

Liam Gallagher did. Truth.

Freddie Rumsen?

Lana Del Rey should be a spokeswoman for Ambien.

And I missed the very first word. Whoops.

If this is what it takes to stop the Tebow madness, so be it.

Assuming this doesn't get cancelled following Anna's calls... who can attend and report back?

I wouldn't say connect. More like accidentally score points.

You know what I always say: a woman can never have too many big long shapeless black V-neck sweaters for $14.95 to wear over big long shapeless black A-line skirts for $12.95.

Just as I suspected, Novak is wide, left.

Because that's abandonment and would get you in jail. Do you remember the Nebraska law a few years ago that allowed people to surrender their children without punishment? Disaster.

That is a staggering statistic. I had no idea it was so high. Maybe more awareness can come out of this terrible case. Hopefully something more than the villainization of the mother, since there are clearly many more like her out there.

Since you asked, the local police announced today that the command post for her case has been closed.


♪ ♫ ♩And on his farm there was some feces

I already have a hard enough time eating eggs when I think about what an egg actually is and where it comes from.