
Does regulate have a different meaning for you than it does for me?

Hey, you don’t have to tell me, I am from California. But don’t use all the federal money being paid by the NE as a reason why the feds should pay for a NE specific project. Those are two different problems.

You would think that the state taxes from all that money pouring through the north east would be enough to start the project. If it truly does affect that many people, then the states should be making it their top priority.

New pants are a must, as those have a permanent brown streak in them.

Did you not read the article?

This was no joke.

If the dude wants to have a little fun with his money while he is essentially dragging most of the world into the future with him, I say let him go for it.

This has to be one of the dumbest comparisons I have ever heard.

Why does everyone think that corporations take any financial burden when we ask them to pay more money? They just charge more for their services.

Thankfully tears are free.

At point did you walk out? The scene where he saved her by crashing into her car and then gazing into each other eyes as they are spinning our of control? Or the part where they used motorcycles for the knife fight?

No wood trim option?

The van was jealous that everyone else had a backdoor, but him.

The obvious reason for the van not having a back door is that there are less exits to try and escape from. Also, it’s steering alignment seems a little off, seeing as how the tires are straight but the GMC is upside-down.

My G8 is just high enough for the bumper to go over a parking block and just low enough to rip the bumper off when backing up over the same parking block. I now have a fear of parking when there is a parking block.

Someone should tell Trump that Kim Jong Un is going to build a big, better space station. Guaranteed funding.

What is even more weird to me is that it is still sitting on tracks. Nobody uses those tracks anymore? Do they just stick all the retired old trains on unused tracks?

Looks like a bunch of garbage trucks racing around. Which would also be awesome.

If you are the government, everything is costly.