
This was no joke.

What does the Bible say about killing?

I don’t know if I would call that horrifying.

You seem to get offended easily.

I think Trump is dumber than a sack of potatoes but give him a break. There are people who are good at consoling and there are people who are terrible at it. Trump is obviously the latter. Reminding yourself to try and be sensitive to the situation when you are not a sensitive person at least shows he was trying to

That is why you just do your fucking job instead of bringing social and political issues into the workplace. Someone will always be offended. Harassment training is part of on-boarding at most companies so they don’t have legal consequences when they fire you for offending someone.

If only people had a little introspection they could see that the right is just as screwed up as the left. When you have to categorize yourself as part of group you have already identified yourself as being biased.

You keep changing the narrative in order to support your argument. Hilary accepted millions! Oh but Mar-a-Lago isn’t nuclear material. You have an excuse for everything. Fact is, Trump is the president, why are you so focused on deflecting to a person who lost the election instead of focusing on who is in the White

It is all relative. I didn’t need the starbucks coffee I bought over the weekend. I could have donated it. Pretty much the same thing here, except there is actually meaning in what he is trying to do, versus me with a terrible starbucks coffee. Plus I am sure he donates way more than I ever will so it is pretty hard

If the dude wants to have a little fun with his money while he is essentially dragging most of the world into the future with him, I say let him go for it.

This has to be one of the dumbest comparisons I have ever heard.

Why does everyone think that corporations take any financial burden when we ask them to pay more money? They just charge more for their services.

beautifully put.

Thankfully tears are free.

I imagine the athletes from NK aren’t living a terrible life right now. They just better not lose.

At point did you walk out? The scene where he saved her by crashing into her car and then gazing into each other eyes as they are spinning our of control? Or the part where they used motorcycles for the knife fight?

No wood trim option?

The van was jealous that everyone else had a backdoor, but him.

The obvious reason for the van not having a back door is that there are less exits to try and escape from. Also, it’s steering alignment seems a little off, seeing as how the tires are straight but the GMC is upside-down.