
Why not both?

What is the realistic market for a sports sedan made by Buick? I am 37 years old and I don’t associate Buick with performance or sportiness. I don’t imagine many people younger than me do, either. This seems like it would have done better under Pontiac, which is one of my gripes with GM decision on getting rid of them.

Size doesn’t matter! ::cries::

All I see is a heater.

My problem with the electoral system is that it means someone’s vote counts more than mine, which is BS at the federal level where we are looking at an entire country, not just a state. Why do we put so much power into the hands of those that fall outside the majority?

It already tried ruining gas powered cars.

Finally, we have potential sequels to Blood Diamond.

Hope it has a big trunk, because I am going to put my bike in it.

Double bagger.

That road just turned into the worlds fastest slip ‘n slide.

not quite as electric as some of your other puns.

High-waisted pants is checkin’ out dat ass.

Mustang or mustard?

Looks like some frat houses I have been to.

It is a little weird that they would say that $115 million is owed when if they were to actually get the 9,000+ cars, they would still have to pay GM the cost of the vehicle when it sold:

For some reason, I really want a Redbull right now.

This guy is playing the long con, right? Has he never owned a fwd/rwd car before? There is no way he is that dumb, right? RIGHT?!

I would pay a subscription for news that was based on straight facts without any liberal or conservative bias. As it stands now though, I have to read the story from 10 different websites, each with their own bias, and then try to figure out what actually happened, versus hearing the opinions and bias of the writers.

What about the people all the way in the back that grab there stuff and trying to rush past the other rows before others can stand, just so they can get off 30 seconds sooner?