
Do we have all the facts to know for sure what was actually said and how detrimental it might be, or are just speculating? We have a lot of he said, she said stuff, but we haven’t seen any details or officially heard from any of these offices other than from anonymous sources.

I would rather get rid of the gas tax and pay for toll roads. I would at least know that my money is going towards the upkeep of the roads versus wherever the hell the money goes now. Taxes/tolls suck, but we can’t have it both ways. We either pay for quality roads or we continue to complain about how shitty they are.

This ad spot will cost you $100.

Does the truck even go fast enough to let you get sideways? Maybe on some loose gravel?

Who is going to press the button that summons my car though?

At least we know he likes food, at least.

You forgot to throw in banging as possible trade value!

Not that it really matters with a Toyota, but how many miles did it have on it? 8k seems like a high price for a nearly 30 year old Toyota pickup.

Just think of it as, “more for me!”

Mother’s day gift...check!

Those mods will void the warranty though.

If North Korea were to nuke South Korea, wouldn’t’ the fallout also cause major issues in the North as well?

Seems like it would be pretty hard to get anything out of the trunk with a bunch of luggage strapped on top of it.

Kids today, am I right?

Could there have been other circumstances that led to this outcome that doesn’t have to do with race?

After 20 minutes, that soap is gone bro. It is time to give up.

Shoulda just waited until the next light to make a u-turn.

It looks like you will need help getting in to and out of that car.

When I was a kid I thought bed seats were bad ass, now they seem like a terrible idea from a comfort standpoint.

Asked why Melania was sitting in the back seat, Trump replied, “she likes in the rear.”