What is $13.75 million converted to normal person money? My mind does not comprehend that number in dollars.
What is $13.75 million converted to normal person money? My mind does not comprehend that number in dollars.
I don’t remember him mentioning it.
Just pull over to the side of the road!
And it only cost $3.4 million to coordinate the effort!
Greenish yellow has always been my favorite color of yellow...or green? A.K.A. Baby Crap Yellow
Looks to me as though she may have a little gas.
Don’t forget putting it in neutral when going down hill and turning off the engine at a stop light.
The model is a good one, but you have to have the right balance to keep people feeling like they are progressing with a only small investment. If they are spending $10 a day on pokeballs to catch pidgeys, it is going to get old quick.
My point is, even if you have those extreme people, you are actually going to lose money because the more moderate people are going to stop paying because the lack of pay off. There are a lot more moderates than there are extremists.
I am the worst offender, but even for me there is going to come a time when there is not enough payoff to the investment I am making.
Uh, ya it does.
Except people are going to stop playing because they don’t want to keep paying. Paying every once in awhile is fine, but having to pay every week to get enough balls to be able to catch pokemon is going to trying users away. They really shouldn’t be charging for balls though, because without those you can’t play the…
Were they promised food and drinks, or are they just bitching because they somehow feel entitled? The only reason they get free food and treated so well is because they are being bribed to write good things about the venue! Nobody actually likes the media and feels they deserve all the perks.
The only thing missing from the story is a jump.
Is that guy dead? I would expect people to be surrounding him. Pretty funny though, I mean if he’s not dead.
The game has been out for less than a month, good lord. Give them some time to get issues ironed out. I am sure there are valid reasons for removing features. I imagine geolocating every Pokemon around you and every other trainer, and the distance to that Pokemon is process intensive. We already know they weren’t…
It runs on vaporware.
You forgot about the price of the graphics and the lift kit bro.
Can I pull my boat with it?
I think the most we can hope for is better equipment and making it mandatory for players to wear that equipment rather than making it optional.