That guy is totally going to bang that desk lamp later.
That guy is totally going to bang that desk lamp later.
Enough evidence to fill a canyon? One that is grand?
How sad is the person who made up a geologist?
I wanted to see it jump in zero-gravity for the first time and be like..... "Oh Shit!!!"
By the time you put the computer together, it is either going to be obsolete or the price is going to be even cheaper for the parts. Probably both though.
Dealzmodo deal of the Day.
I think ncomments was implying that people with lower incomes, such as those that work at a fast food joint, are the people that are more likely to eat there. It was also meant as a joke.
I have another 50 cents to put towards a new one.
I totally Digg this.
How about you release the WP8 app first! Chop chop!
Wheres the article titled, "The Money shot, Then and Now."
so somebody knows something?
You could leave the theater to check it. It would take you 20 seconds.
That's some sound logic right there.
Where's Boo Boo?
I don't know if your rep told you, but you need to use the charger provided or it will not charge all the way up.
You thought I didn't catch that, didn't you? You still pee the bed.
Seem pretty protective of Fox News, did they tell you they would love you forever?
There was a little winky face there that meant it was a joke.
What about the commercial with the IPhone 5 and how they designed it so that your thumb "goes from here to here." "It's just common sense." I didn't realize that it was common sense that everyone's hands are the same size.