
We should have patented it, then we could have sued every other nation in the world and would be out of debt.

How did they get across before?

@kingcrim84: About 30 terabytes according to wired...

I don't need scroll lock, pause/break, the alt/ctrl/"right-click" keys to the right of the space bar. I also don't use 'x' very often, might as well get rid of that too. Replace that one with an 'xxx' key.

@cody2000: That would have been funny to see. A tiny little radio flyer with a F-22 trying to blast it out of the sky. "I can't hit the damn thing!"

@SEDAGIVE?!: Airports in the UK definitely give you a more "thorough" pat down, then here in the states.

I don't believe this guy was smart enough to hack into the school and change his account, but not smart enough to know he would be caught since his name is on the account. I bet someone else mistyped an account number and he was dumb enough to think that he wouldn't be liable for the money he already spent.

@SteveJobsSexLife: Now all we have to do is find a flat planet to test your theory.

@bender123: Your slurred speech would be a dead giveaway.

@Spiegel Del Ocho: Mario Cart? That isn't realistic at all!!! I want to know how it compares to Rad Racer! If its better then maybe I will switch. Did they say when this game was coming out for NES?

@Kwinten: Its legal however you would be dead from alcohol poisoning long before you felt any effects of the wormwood

@sydcinema: Computers are limited by the rate they can send and retrieve information. By expanding that speed it opens up doorways to what can be done. While you may not see a need for it now that doesn't mean something won't be created in the future that you will need it for. By increasing speeds now it removes that

@PaddyDugan: Your philosophical point, while probably true, it really quite boring... If probably should have mentioned something awhile ago when the first missile was created.

@lardon_hardon: I like your comment better with the pun intended.