
It’s because they want us dead and they’ll use any excuse to attack us and take back our hard won rights. The “other is coming for your children” accusation is the oldest one in the book and it’s also the most dangerous. At first I thought this was a retread of the early 2000s panic about gay marriage manufactured to

What the dissenters fail to mention is that the article doesn’t even say Patches by name until AFTER their spoiler warning in the article. So even the author seems to acknowledge that the presence of Patches is a spoiler for the game. However, any moderate fan of Soulsborne titles will know EXACTLY who they are

Giant sigh from me. Discovering Patches naturally would’ve been a REALLY rad moment. Now it won’t probably be. Or it will definitely be lessened, anyway.

Bandai Namco seems to disagree, as he was mentioned in their NDA as someone who absolutely shouldn’t be named in the recent preview batch.

It’s heartbreaking to watch

The evil is out there. But the good is out there, too, even if the evil keeps making all of the noise. I don’t know your exact situation, but you can find people to love you and care for you. Living in a way that isn’t in accord with who you really are is one of the unhealthiest things you can do. I wish you happiness.


there are people out here who are rooting for you, christine. I send you love and hope that you can find your happiness.

Thank you!!! I was going to get acrylics again, but they’re horrible on PC games lmao

Oh, Christine, sorry about the loss of your friend!!! (AND the other stuff too!)

“I can’t wish enough goodness and happiness in your life. You are obviously deserving of it.”

Hello friend, Glad to see that you’re still here, and still you!😊

Christine, I just came across this post and I am so so sorry this happened to you. Loving your mother and wanting a happiness that she doesn’t approve of aren’t mutually exclusive, I assure you. Parents are just people, and sometimes people are wrong. And sometimes we love our people even when they’re so very wrong.

Watch the new louis theroux documentary about trans children in california. It focuses on the positives of transitioning a lot and accepting parents!

we live in a world that know one understands my son ask me when he was 4 why he could not be a girl he knew who he was even at a young age it took me awhile to understand because of the way i was raised but i know in my heart that God made him who he is and i am so proud that i am his mom i love him with all my heart

Christine, It is completely fine and very normal for you to still love your mother. Often children who go through horrid physical abuse by a parent STILL love the parent. Just as you have found something in you that tells you that you are a female instead of a male, and you have accepted that . Please accept that

I was bawling reading your comments. I also consider suicide often, life is fucking hard and feels pointless. But then I read your posts and the out pouring of support, and I see the good that's out there. So you did that for me today. Thank you.

Christine! Darling! You can do this! It's not too late!

Firstly, suicide is not courageous; it is only ever tragic.

Christine, what is normal to the wolf is chaos for the prey. Hunny, be who you are. There a alot of people that would love to accept you for who you are whether you name is Christine or (insert male name here). If you cant find them in the area you are in, go where they are. Plenty of people like that here in New York

I'm so sorry. I can't say that I know how you feel because I am a cis female, but no one deserves to be humiliated as a child or to live out an unauthentic existence. I know that the city I live in has a community of trangendered people that I only recently became aware of. I wish I could introduce you because they