
That video is maybe more depressing than the letters. She actually cites the red baiting period of the “Hollywood 10" as some kind of golden age that america should aspire to return to. Incredible.

Oh that’s easy. Trump is a man, you see. Therefore his immorality can be forgiven by these people.

I wish it were so, but most of these people either won’t know or won’t care about what Trump does.

More so than Trump? How?

Don’t forget the bankruptcies and the lawsuits.

The FDR who set the marginal tax rate at 90+%? Nah.

The taxation of the wealthy has also changed, most drastically under Reagan, a trend which as continued to this day. That is Reagan’s contribution: a huge shift in the idea of how much taxation for the wealthy is “fair”. When you cut the marginal tax rate in half (as he did) the wealthy get a fuck of a lot more

The Far left did that? I suppose if you ignore 30 years of right wing media whining and whinging about the so called “bias” of the supposedly “liberal media”, then ya, it was totally Gawker’s fault.

He had a filibuster proof senate for a grand total of 7 months . During that time he pass one of the most redistributive laws in a generation (ACA), a bill that literally taxed rich people in order to provide health care to poor people.

When was the concourse about sports?

Reagan’s contribution to inequality was the drastic slashing of income taxes on the richest Americans from their mid century norms, combined with the start of the destruction of the social safety net that continues to this day.

Where is the intolerance in this article?

They’re telling it like it is. I though you Trump supporters liked that? Apparently the truth hurts your precious feelings.

But who will safe the rest of us from Trump?

No different.

I don’t know about being knocked out cold. But we do have a family friend with 3 sons, and all 3 of them broke her nose at some point during their respective toddler years. Careful out there parents.

Oh no! Not shit stirring idiots! The Horror!!!!

The anti-Catholic joke in question that caused the ban was apparently about the sex abuse scandal and cover up in the Catholic Church. Sounds a lot like the Rice reference to Baylor’s sex abuse scandal and cover up in their recent “Title IX” themed show.

It was apparently a reference to the molestation scandal and cover up in the Church. Good thing they can’t reference that, I’d hate for the church to have its feelings hurt.

Who hurt you? Was it a tromboner?