Ha! I think that was me that made that request (and hopefully some other people too!) And I came here specifically looking for this picture! Kudos.
Ha! I think that was me that made that request (and hopefully some other people too!) And I came here specifically looking for this picture! Kudos.
Yeah, the fact that the NFL is against it means there’s something even shadier going on. Like a movie villain who you think is the good guy, fighting the bad guys with you, but then at the very end you find out they were the bad guy all along!! Damn you Roger Goodell.
Thank you. Those are interesting statistics. So it looks like the United States has just less than two times the total number of crimes as Germany despite being 4 times as big (by population). But you’re right, violent crimes in the US far surpass Germany (6 times). So there are some issues. And police killings are a…
Now I feel kinda bad. I grew up really close to it and now live even closer. For years us kids always joked about it. It was cool when I was really young (wow planes!) and then it got boring, we’d take field trips there in school and no one seemed impressed. The first time I actually went as an adult having a greater…
There’s also one in Hutchinson, KS at the Cosmosphere space museum. You don’t even have to pay to see it! Walk in the front door and it’s right there. The Cosmosphere is also fantastic. One of the only places in the world with an intact V-1 and V-2 rocket and more Russian space memorabilia than any place outside of…
Okay I’ll bite...So you’re argument is that Germany is about 1/4 the size of the US in terms of population (80 million vs 320 million) and in terms of how many people the German police kill per year vs the number of people US cops kill per year, America is far higher than just 4 times as many, as you think the numbers…
In almost every other Western Country arrests are carried out 99% of the time with no shots fired. Not exactly something to celebrate.
This needs to be posted on every article that is written about him. Hey guys don’t let the makeover and glasses fool you! This guy is your typical rape-frat douche.
You won me with “VERY FRESH”
I remember going over this a number of times in college. It’s been studied quite a bit and I’ve always found it very fascinating in a terrifying way.
Does he think that by wearing that big coat and hat he’s fooling us into thinking he’s not as much of a fat fuck? Because we know he’s a fat fuck.
Yes! We can’t forget the USFL!
This is why I abandoned my political affiliation a few years back and decided to just start hating both sides equally.
Yeah and I have no idea if Tomlin actually said that before he washed out. The way I read it, and the way I remember it, was that Tomlin made that comment before Richardson was drafted, but the story was recounted by another person later. So who really knows.
That’s a good point, and I’m glad you brought up the Steelers. I was reading about Trent Richardson a while back and some Steelers player (I can’t remember) was nervous about the idea of a guy like Trent Richardson being drafted by the Browns, a division rival, and Mike Tomlin basically told the guy that Richardson…
Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan said that the team had a tradition called “No Gay Thursday,” where all “gay” behavior was allowed.
I bet those kids enjoy having Penn State branded weights and Penn State branded mats on the floor more than they’d enjoy it if that money were spent to pay them.
Wow. Pork is selling for $0.70/lb on the hoof (alive) right now and this guy just spent $25/lb on this “prize” pig. And now he’s paying to have it butchered? I don’t have a witty joke to make. I’m just amazed.
I love these things! I’ve got the Caesar flavor and they’re pretty great. The bag isn’t resealable, so I guess I could roll it up and put a clip on it, but like you, I tend to eat the whole bag in one sitting. Because come on!
She does seem awesome. She wrote an article about child starts for Cracked a few years ago and I just remember thinking “wow, Mara Wilson is cool as hell.” So you can understand my disappointment to learn I wasn’t talking to her today, but here’s a link to the article all the same. It’s good.