

You mean, if a submarine actively fired upon, and sank, a US Navy vessel in international waters, even without loss of life? Yeah, I don’t think that would go over well, unmanned or not.

I would assume these would only being run 24/7 when we have a strong reason to suspect enemy subs are present, but yes, super loud active sonar is not the greatest thing for dolphins and whales.

It *potentially* scrambles their brains. :(

Because... dolphins prefer something more uptempo?

Thank goodness they put that li’l itty bitty amber strobe light on top. Otherwise YOU’D NEVER HEAR OR SEE IT COMING!

What's it like working for Russia Today?

If the US is such a nuisance, why doesn’t Western Europe just step up and defend themselves?

You said “given”. When you give something away, it is no longer yours. Taking something back by force, that was once yours, is still what it is.

Ultimate irony. The new cold war started by Russia itself by annexing Crimea through armed invasion.

Oh do fuck off. The Irish are perfectly capable of killing each other. No British involvement required.

West side of AMARG vs. East side of AMARG. Everything on the East side is being stripped for parts. West side are aircraft that could be called up normally within 90 days if needed, though honestly you could get those girls fired up in much less if necessary.

Thanks for the assist on, y’know, Iraq.

All the ones with white plastic are filled with fuel and fired up every 4 years, then cleaned and fuel replaced with stable oil.

The British Empire is....ermm.. some small islands in the Atlantic. The Empire has long since ceased as a part of the consciousness of the UK - even we relegate it to costume dramas and period documentaries, because that’s exactly what it is - history.

Some people live upside down. They like to talk out their ass and the only thing that comes out of their mouths is shit.

There are welfare checks that need to go out! And all those muslim refugees need free housing so they can rape their women in peace!

You should do an article about land forces of major west European countries.It’s a pitiful shadow of their cold war past.

Damn you, SDSR, DAMN YOU!!!!

where would they be without people like