But they pressed on! Because how humiliating would it be if they gave up in front of the French?
But they pressed on! Because how humiliating would it be if they gave up in front of the French?
“I’m just gonna tell you right now that you have no fucking clue how much time and effort and energy Tyler put into Foxtrot Alpha.”
It doesn’t matter what the kind of machinery is—it if flies, drives, floats, goes boom or does whatever, you have my attention. I’ll miss Tyler’s ability to look at the military world with a critical eye and go in depth on things I would otherwise never hear about.
I don’t mean to offend, but probably could...Tyler’s writing was one of the few instances on Gawker of something being “fit for print.” Wonderfully solid articles. He will be missed.
Besides an unfathomable depth of knowledge on military politics, technology and everything else “arms” Tyler had the kind of can-do-kick-ass attitude that anyone would be lucky to work alongside.
It’s hard to understate how much we’ll miss Tyler. He’s not only clearly one of the most knowledgable, insightful, and smartest reporters we know, he’s also a great guy. When he first joined on he was one of the few people I could count on to help me out on weekends, and one of the few people I could go to with my…
ACTUALLY, there is a plausible explanation for this one. Mythbusters even tested it!
“Paint me like one of your Naboo girls.”
I can take or leave the others, but I’ll be extremely disappointed if it’s not “Av4tar.”
i’m laughing like an idiot at your movie titl4s
“What pussy taught you how to shoot an arrow?”
aVatar: You watch everything in VR POV and throw up five minutes into the movie.
“Thanks, white person!”
something something Unobtainium something something
So what happens if Avatar 2: Electric Boogaloo tanks? Do they keep making the next three or call it a day?
I vote to use the quote my wife said while watching it
Are we just doing James Cameron jokes because Titanic also sucked.