Craig Weems

I just can’t... hobbies, even monetized ones, are supposed to be fun, not a lightning rod for hatred. How do minds become this twisted?

welp....thats a sweet gesture

Yeah, exactly the same thing happened with the J-10.  It’s a fine truck for a certain group of clients,

Longtime emergency managers at FEMA are working with military officials to sort through the competing offers and federal procurement rules while under pressure to give President Trump something to announce.

“If the company can keep this kind of pace, grow its international footprint, build new factories, keep its employees safe, keep turnover to a minimum, and refine the production process, and do it all without running out of capital, Tesla will be around for a long time”

Before this comment section devolves into the inevitable shitshow:

Does it not surprise you that I also hate big trucks?

Is there nothing that will make you happy? Finally, a rear-mid-engined Corvette after 50 years of waiting and countless empty promises from so-called insiders, and all you can do is complain about the fuel mileage? I’ll bet you’ll find that the balance isn’t good enough and between that and no manual you’ll declare it

Planes have routine, scheduled, and mandatory maintenance which is strictly enforced. The same cannot be said for cars. I can only see autonomy taking over meaning the death of private ownership.

Happy Friday! Instead of doing anything useful today, I suggest using your office’s resources to print out and build this 1971 Ford Pinto model. Not that you can see the extreme-rear location of the gas tank on the bottom there, which would become a big deal later in the Pinto’s life.

So it is huge but powerful and full of tech, and no manual transmission.

BofA could have a lower interest rate and thrown in a free toaster and I still wouldn’t take a loan from those snakes.

The actual answer to the article title is, like trash, fucking trash.

At least the big tobacco company CEOs all smoked.

I would say parents and society in general need to think critically about the value of toughness in society. I don’t mean rushing to hold your kid if they fall and scrape their knee. That’s a low-risk, high-reward learning experience. It’s fair to let your kids do things that lead to problems that either the body

Excellent story. If he wasn’t already out, this story would convince me to pull my son out of youth football. Thank you for posting this.