Does this mean that American’s will get the same speeds that South Korea has had for years?
Does this mean that American’s will get the same speeds that South Korea has had for years?
The elephant in the room are ships and the regulators knowingly ignore them. Supposedly the 20 largest ships pollute as much as the rest of the world’s passenger cars do combined. I do know that the bunker fuel they use (because it is cheap and few others can use it) is so thick they have to heat it up to get it thin…
Having rail to the stadium only adds to the mix because rail by itself does not have anywhere near the capacity to get the majority of fans to the stadium within a reasonable time period. Those that have gone to Yankee Stadium understand how packed the subway gets. There NFL only requires the appearance of mass…
In the UK they double dip to the extent that they don’t recognize it as such. If the act was so perilous the empire would have failed long ago. I suggest yonsta is on target; the Superbowl is a festive occasion which draws many people together even when some may not feel well. The Tulane researchers don’t realize they…
So far the longer the blades, the more efficient the turbine runs. The difference in efficiency is so great that in certain locations it is economical to remove smaller turbines and install larger turbines. The current largest turbines are a result of continued design improvements. At this point there have been no…
Costco now has a 55" LG OLED for $1999. Why not buy the best? I just installed a 78" Samsung curved and it is still tempting. One thing, it is so good that it can reveal how much compression the program suppliers (as in all of them) are compressing the content. The demo materials do show what it can do but don’t…
Costco now has a 55" LG OLED for $1999. Why not buy the best? I just installed a 78" Samsung curved and it is still…
They forced the city of Houston to build a train from the stadium to downtown. Evidently Super Bowl patrons couldn’t be asked to ride buses. There wasn’t enough time to do it right and elevate it so the train runs through city streets which slows it down and results in frequent crashes which shuts it down for hours.…
Their failure to make Divx work on DVD’s is one of the reasons CC failed. I bet they and that law firm are going to reintroduce Divx but on 4K Blu rays. With some help of ex Radio Shack managers how could they fail?
They can’t solve the endemic crashing issues (Google it) so they are increasing download speeds as a Band-Aid.
The circuit boards (actually film) are already flexible. The passive SMD’s are getting smaller and smaller. There are SMD microprocessors that are about 1/4" square and 1/16" thin. Organize these components as long sticks held together by the the circuit board and you have something like an electronic tambour (roll…
Nearly all Japanese trains including subways are privately owned and they make a profit. Any bets on whether any of those involved will contract those that have a proven track record? According to script the Japanese trains will be deemed “not adequate” for the unique needs of US commuters, US design firms with no…
You do realize that the Dutch are laughing their collective asses off? They have been dealing with rising water for a thousand years. In light of the relatively small area of Manhattan and the time frame of the event, protecting NYC will be expensive but well within current engineering practice. I’m willing to bet…
The Japanese toilets only look “high tech” because American toilets haven’t changed much in over 100 years. When you have “no tech” toilets anything better looks like high tech. The crux of the matter is how you clean your butt after you are finished. Hitting your asshole with a stream of warm water does a great job…
I have a Samsung 78” curved screen. I think most of the derogatory comments are in Internet fashion made people who don’t have one and whose experience is dependent on what they saw at Best Buy. I’ve had mine for about 3 months. The curve doesn’t seem to be much of a hindrance with respect to position.
How many times do you read about Well Fargo, Chase or American Express being hacked? Nearly zip. Why? They take cyber security seriously and spend a lot of money keeping client records secure. This doesn’t mean that all the bad guys are giving them a pass in fact they are being attacked thousands of times each day. A…
Not likely to ever happen. First of all this moves the base and all the seats that are attached to it. Secondly, most seats these days have a bunch of wires that support video entertainment, USP and 110v power and basic necessities like attendant call, overhead lights and forced air. These wire bundles are harnessed…
During system installation some companies run instrumented test bags that measure the load on a bag while transported. If the design load limit is exceeded the bag “explodes” so they know where the excessive load was applied. Modern baggage handling systems could go much faster if only the bags (and their contents)…
As it is we can hear the differences between a Stradivarius and merely great violins however we still don’t understand the differences in construction that make it special. If trained craftsmen can’t copy all of the nuances of a Stradivarius violin using wood why would you ever expect a plastic one would come within…
When are a bunch of pundits and idiots at large going to admit that they were wrong when they damned Apple for coming out against Flash? Many claimed the security rationale was a ruse so that Apple could get back at Adobe for past transgressions. Apple was right.
You beat me to it. We have 3 Panasonic Toasters and they all work great. They have a frozen setting useful to bachelors who keep a frozen loaf of bread in the freezer. Press “frozen” and set your toaster setting and it is toasted perfectly. It’s a miracle.
You beat me to it. We have 3 Panasonic Toasters and they all work great. They have a frozen setting useful to…