Craig Weems

How did Google maps get as good as they are? Millions of beta testers. How will Apple Maps get better? Millions of beta testers. Get over yourself.

I don't expect anybody to pay more taxes than they have to including Apple. Those that see this as an egregious issue should direct their ire towards Washington. Our tax code now numbers in the thousands of pages with all of them the product of the political process. All of the processes in place that allow Apple

The pointers in question are not the cheapo laser pointers that you annoy your cat with. Those don't have the power to affect planes. The lasers in question are powerful industrial strength lasers that truly can put your eye out at close range. The people in jail bought lasers they knew to be potentially harmful

My bet? Two years from now Tesla and Fisker will both be bankrupt. Once the final accounting is done the taxpayers will find out that we've been selling cars that cost $250,000 to the 1% for a mere $100,000.

If all of the announcements of rechargeable battery breakthroughs were true and compounded our smart phone batteries would be the size of a mouse turd and last a week. Cars would need something bigger like maybe a D cell.

Agreed. Nobody is smart enough to produce a fully baked global map application without user assistance. Google maps got to where it is only by the subtle polishing of millions of users. Apple will follow the same development path however it won't take as long as Google has defined the baseline requirements. There

thedigitaljedi is right. I read it and started looking for a "like" button. It does appear that Giz has been taken over by Apple haters. Suggest they try a "Gizmodo - Android" web site and see how that works for them.

Giz you are so right. "Why Apple Maps Won't Get Better..." Kyle's got no better idea on this than I know who his mother is sleeping with (hope it's his dad). It's one thing to comment but quite another to predict the future and of all companies Apple has shown up prognosticators so often that the smart ones have

I wonder what Raymond L0ewy got. He invented the name Exxon and the logo. He also did logos for Shell, BP, the postal service and a bunch of others. He was also a consummate designer of cars and industrial products. He died in 1986 and I still see his handiwork every day. It would take a large collection of

Sorry, but if you have to squint and be primed to look for something you have nothing. It's a bit like the lady complaining to the police about her naked neighbor next door. The cop looks at the fence between the two properties and rightly claims not to see any thing. The complainant responds "well if step on this

Why get upset? Think a little.

You can buy many grocery products from Amazon far cheaper than your local retailer. It must be working for them as they now give a discount for "subscribing" which means that they will send you scheduled deliveries of the amounts you specify. Food rarely has sales tax charged so that issue is not in play. Once you

Kids are known to be stupid. We expect more of parents. The folks at Buckyballs have done everything the could to stop stupid parents; catalog pages warn the shopper that they are not safe around those three years and younger before they even order, the packaging gives strong and graphic notice that they are

The utilities had / have hardwired communication before the Internet and worked just fine. I would expect if they were directed to limit the reach of broadband exclusively to email in 3 months it could be done without bother. I wouldn't be surprised that they abandoned the cost of dedicated lines for some type of

It is really pretty simple. Companies recruit locally to find talent where possible. This is easier for scheduling as well as it minimizes recruiting costs. Once they determine that they can't fill the position locally they broaden the search and pay travel costs. Because of the Internet job seekers can view

Suggest that those that want any accuracy to read the WSJ text. Yes, the seat pitch was reduced one inch but they are using a new cushion material that is an inch thinner and supposedly with no loss in comfort. This issue was clearly discussed in the WSJ. Evidently the facts got in the way for Mario.

You're kidding.

You do realize that BHO soon will be signing an order to allow the TSA employees to unionize. If you think it is bad now wait till you have to deal with the TSA union steward!

While I rarely use the yellow pages I do so only after the Internet fails to yield the answer. There are many services that do not have web sites or if they do they are subject to the indexing of Google. Go search for plumber / your city name and then compare it to the listings in the yellow pages. Big difference.

The word aluminum came first. The brits decided to "Romanize" it to create aluminium.