Craig Weems

The utilities had / have hardwired communication before the Internet and worked just fine. I would expect if they were directed to limit the reach of broadband exclusively to email in 3 months it could be done without bother. I wouldn't be surprised that they abandoned the cost of dedicated lines for some type of

It is really pretty simple. Companies recruit locally to find talent where possible. This is easier for scheduling as well as it minimizes recruiting costs. Once they determine that they can't fill the position locally they broaden the search and pay travel costs. Because of the Internet job seekers can view

Suggest that those that want any accuracy to read the WSJ text. Yes, the seat pitch was reduced one inch but they are using a new cushion material that is an inch thinner and supposedly with no loss in comfort. This issue was clearly discussed in the WSJ. Evidently the facts got in the way for Mario.

You're kidding.

You do realize that BHO soon will be signing an order to allow the TSA employees to unionize. If you think it is bad now wait till you have to deal with the TSA union steward!

While I rarely use the yellow pages I do so only after the Internet fails to yield the answer. There are many services that do not have web sites or if they do they are subject to the indexing of Google. Go search for plumber / your city name and then compare it to the listings in the yellow pages. Big difference.

The word aluminum came first. The brits decided to "Romanize" it to create aluminium.

The nose I could see fine. I clicked to see if there was a face behind it.

They never stopped making them. This one has an induction cooktop. Units like these are often used for office kitchens,

This is new? In Houston, Texas in 1970 my girl friend lived in a house much as this; L shaped, flat roof, surrounding a pool, all rooms (except the kitchen in this case) looked toward the interior of the "L" and most important every room had a sliding door to the outside. Having a girl friend with immediate outside

The true purpose of the waterless urinal it to create recurring revenue to the fixture companies. The cartridges are just a plastic molding with some type of gel in it. They look like they should cost two or three dollars but they want $15-20 for them. In practice waterless means that they are never cleaned. A

If they don't use oxygen free copper the audio will never be right.

Somebody has things all screwed up. In 2001 the Segway was supposed to revolutionize our lives. While we are waiting we'll play on our iPads. Where are the pundits that said that iPads would have limited appeal especially the WiFi only versions? I think it was these same guys that told us the Segway was going to

The problem for Yellow Pages is that their revenue is dependent on the number of books that they throw. If even a third of the folk declined it would likely force a lowering of rates and I expect some would choose not to publish. Here is the big problem as I see it: if all of the lawyers who buy the full page adds

Before the environmental crazies completely take over the debate look at the facts. The platform was floating in 5000' of water and suffered a massive explosion and fire yet there wasn't a leakage of crude as the well was shut in at the subsea wellhead. These days redundant systems are in place to shut wells in

Try the combo approach. Make up a 6 character pw that meets the strong password requirements !949RT (Mom's DOB w/ special chr + Mom's initials. Use one sequence for low priority sites. Need something stronger? Use the first as a kernel then add a duplicate pm but move the special character (or change it)

The leg needs to be movable at least at the time of assembly to be truly useful. Most of the time one leg will be in a corner. The power post will most likely be needed in the corner and if it is not four sided it also needs to rotatable so that the outlets are not against the wall. One could make an L shaped