
I’m Greek and you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. First learn, then talk.

such a wonderful human being. your mother must be proud of your empathy, rabid generalising and deep knowledge of facts.

You obviously haven’t been tracking the story. Overly harsh austerity targets set by the IMF, World Bank, etc., have been met by the Greek government and they’ve managed to balance their books unlike Washington. Their current problem is a lack of economic stimulus that prevents the economy from recovering. People that

You know nothing about the greek debt problem. Stop talking out of ignorance.

Reading your comment encouraged me to think your exact same thoughts about you.

So bulky and immobile? Those things were beasts at moving around.

Wonder if when the robots were "at rest" were a subtle homage to 2001: Space Odyssey.

I don't know if the headline properly expressed this but I am so fucking excited for this movie, I can hardly contain myself.

Jesus tittyfucking Christ, are you really so offended by someone's personal choice of a smartphone? Calm your tits, man. Calm them. I dont get the whole hate towards Apple or samsung, or any other manufacturer for that matter.

I agree with you. We are lucky and seeing their faces light up like that makes me feel like I need to do something. Eh, we westerners need to be more happy with what we have.

In a way it must be kind of a weird feeling being a VFX artist as when you've done your job brilliantly the only thanks you get is that no one notices that you've done your job brilliantly.

No. my issue isn't with the update per se. I think it sucks but that is another issue. My issue is Jizzmodo calling it an overhaul when all they did was slap a new theme on it. Trollers gonna troll.

It's weird how using Photoshop for so long has mad me actually see these as holes...

My experience with cats tells me that spending thousands of dollars on exotic German cat furniture is an expensive way to guarantee that they never show the least iota of interest in leaving the floor.

Also you don't seem to understand basic economics.

But if they legalize it how are they gonna waste millions of dollars on soft crime...they'll be forced to spend on education and we all know that's just a terrible idea....

Your new popup ads.....go F yourself.

London; playground of the rich, gulag for the poor.