This is not Apple style at all!
This is not Apple style at all!
Oops... :)
What about the phone icon? Not even landline sets look like this anymore!
Tip explained: Yeah ketchup works great on brass cause it has vinegar as an ingredient. Try vinegar only to see brass SHINE!!
This mountainous pile of meat was a lady??? LOL LOL LOL
I was referring to WHAT the Olympic games truly once stood for. I dont live in a bubble and I know exactly into what they have transformed. It just makes me sad.
The logos were brilliantly integrated. The purpose was to see what people recognise when they are shown 2 similar brands. The logo (graphic) or the name (text)!
Is that MEGATRON on HULK and C.America?
This is an experiment that has been done but sadly ths does not apply to light.
Olympic games & Ground-to-Air Missiles in the same sentence?
New study suggest 97,5% of gay people are closet-heteros!
Try taking a photo of that thing after you cleaned it a couple times!
Actually you can! A lot of people barely eat and gain weight! Its called thyroid and it goes both ways.
I think this story is pretty good and might help some unaware people realise what is actually going on with their information and why companies like Google, Facebook etc are after it.