See also: Cooper, Bradley.
See also: Cooper, Bradley.
Didn’t this piece of shit say that the Sandy Hook dad who killed himself this week was a false flag? Jones should be in prison with no access to social media.
Did anyone else make a beeline for nachos during this episode? No? Just me?
God I love DiCaprio.
But can you see the moors from there??
YOU GUYS IT IS SUCH A GOOD MOVIE!! Honest. Loved it. Loved. It.
I could not love this more.
You want to feel old? Ask your 20-something co-workers who Arthur Fonzarelli is. It's a real crowdpleaser.
I love him so much.
Well, what is she supposed to do? Hide her golden piano? No! She is the Queen. And we are not. And when we have been working our tails off queening for over 60 years - THEN we can whine about it. Until then- enjoy the golden piano and admire from afar.
Proof of life or GTFO
Headline is perfect, babes. Alex Ovechkin is a Goddamned treat. He has given so much to DC. I love everything about that great big Russian man.
I may be the only person here old enough to know this, but-
I FUCKING LOVE THIS VEIL. She has balls. I doff my cap.
This seems ill thought out.
She’s imperfect, but she tries
She is good, but she lies
She is hard on herself
She is broken and won’t ask for help
She is messy, but she’s kind
She is lonely most of the time
She is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie
She is gone, but she used to be mine
Can I just say thank you to everyone for posting? This was exactly what I needed after Kavanaugh and with the state of the world right now. Love all the ghosty stories. “The Face in the Window” was my favorite. I also really liked "Family is Forever". This makes me miss “Celebrity Ghost Stories” so much. If you ever…
Hot take- Megyn Kelly just isn't that bright.
Props to them both for not being dead. Because who saw that coming?