After seeing the Bee Gees/Frampton “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band" movie, I was convinced the glass coffin would be in our bathtub at night. It made peeing even more stressful than usual. I was a weird kid.
After seeing the Bee Gees/Frampton “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band" movie, I was convinced the glass coffin would be in our bathtub at night. It made peeing even more stressful than usual. I was a weird kid.
January Jones was a disaster, but Annette Bening seemed to openly seethe with rage and not even try. Sometimes I think I made that episode up.
Eh. He looks like he could miss a meal <she said as she crumpled up her Quarter Pounder wrapper and stuffed it into the empty fries holder>.
Carell has one r in it. ONE R!!!
This time of year always reminds me of an incident that happened with the neighborhood children years ago. In our neighborhood there was a family that mostly kept to themselves. They had a handicapped son that stayed home and would probably now be recognized as being on the autism spectrum. But long ago, people…
I guess the nicest thing I can say about her is I just don't think she's very bright.
Me three! And thanks Katie for the heads-up on episode 9. I hate to watch anything awful about children. Much appreciated.
This episode reminded me just how much I fucking love Milo Ventimiglia.
Spellcheck corrected “dong” to “ding!”
Judging by the promotional photos, they seem to have kept the parts where he's choking down a ding.
So HOW MUCH is Jon Hamm in this movie? Like on a scale of Kimmy Schmidt to Don Draper? Asking for a friend...
I honestly felt that this scene was directly aimed at me. I don’t know many people my age who have seen “An Officer and a Gentleman”. Repeatedly. And who appreciate the full commitment on the parts of Farley and Myers to this homage.
Smokey Robinson?
Can this be done retroactively?
Both of them deserve the death penalty. Over and over again. Elizabeth Smart is one strong lady.
That picture of him crying while she drives him to rehab is just devastating. I admire her strength in helping the father of her children when he cannot help himself. So many people would have given up long ago.
“Misery” was like watching a family movie for me. The part where she’s screaming that “he didn’t get out of the cockadoodie car!” with the red-faced close-up was so much like my manic-depressive mother that it actually made me laugh. I called my sister and said, “You have GOT to see this movie because they have…
I’m with you, Bobby. I have been venerating this woman for decades. But when I saw the video for “Music” and saw that, oh now she’s a- pimp? It made me so very tired. And then she threw on the Danskin leotard, stopped wearing pants and started juicing her arms and I thought all I want her to do is eat a sandwich and…
I missed the part in your post about 4600 people dying needlessly in Puerto Rico.