
Different from TAR
…but not by much.

Yeah, I think that is the thing which is going to drag this band down is the constant beating the listener over the head with the political awareness.

Keith, it came out in Japan in 1979. It didn't reach the States till 1980. Either way, it's an anachronism.

I'll give him this much credit for the lens flares. I was pretty irritated with having to deal with them again, however…

It wasn't just the swiveling, it was the fact that he did it so smoothly and with no apparent movement of his feet, it was almost as though he'd installed something underneath to just start the action. That's what really sold it for me.

Fairplay isn't likely to come back because he quit the last time out.

And again, the Thursday Night shows find a way to align some element, with the Lost reference here coming the same night that we have Josh Holloway on Community giving someone a nickname ("bean allergy") and letting out a "Sonofabitch".

Those Damn Cabs
I imagine that the reason the teams have to take cabs (rather than driving themselves) during the last leg is the fear that they're going to be just a little bit too reckless, given the stakes. However, there do need to be alternatives. Perhaps they could finish in a city with an extensive public

WB, I grew up not far from you, in the San Remo neighborhood of Kings Park, and I and never heard "gravy" either. But my 2nd generation Italian girlfriend from college lived in West Babylon and did use that word. Go figure!

I assumed it was the smell, too, especially given that earlier on during the dinner, Mitchell said something like "It smells like Grandma's house".

Pulling out half a body was pretty funny.

"Overpay without knowing it" doesn't refer to scamming extra money out of Ben, I think. It's more along the lines of getting him to pay whatever he's supposed to, but then also getting him to do absolutely everything around the house: matintain the overall cleanliness, do laundry, wash dishes and so on while April &

Believe it or not, clip shows go all the way back to movie serials. Every once in awhile they'd do a recap for new viewers, which was important given that re-runs weren't especially likely.

My only complaint about the references to The Cape would be that Jeff said it would last for about three weeks. In fact, we got to see NINE episodes. In your face, Winger!

"It's the best catch there is."

^^Sheffield, not Garrity.

Tobolowsky's Article…
…in The Wrap explained for me why he didn't look so great.

Add on top of that the fact that Zev is autistic and you're talking about a LOT of sensory input for him to process. He could have gone the full Rain Man on us. Which, of course, would be just plain golden.

Not only do you not have to prep, the show has different openings depending on what's going to happen that week. So rather than a "Previously on" series of clips (though this will happen occasionally), you get the Nikita character narrating the premise of the series. However, instead of some generic "I'm a rogue spy

I have this image of someone in Production watching Rob toss the clue and saying, "What the fuck!? I worked HARD on that poem!"