
@Darth Meow 504: Yeah, Morrison really worked most of the X-men over with silly secondary mutations. I do like your idea of cryokinesis, especially since she helped Iceman unlock more of his potential at one point.

Just as an FYI on Catholic exorcism: priests, in a way, have to specialize in exorcism. You are not allowed to perform one unless you have studied a fairly lengthy list of books, cases, and literature on the matter. They are also taught to distinguish the signs of what the church considers an actual possession as

Where's the Gawker dating network? There are plenty of us that hate those dating sites but like a lot of the minds we see in the comments on Gawker.

Ah, Sony. You ruined the original Star Wars MMO and now it looks like you're set to ruin DC. That is some clunky, clunky gameplay. I think I even saw Superman throw a karate kick in there (~1:20).

I have a hard time accepting damn near anything archaeologicaly orgasmic discovered in the Americas during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The way I understand it, Martin's choice to write from POVs adds to his inability to get this bridge book finished. Feast and Dance were not supposed to be two books but Feast's POVs grew and grew until eventually he had to cut some characters out of Feast and put them in Dance. These two books were supposed to be

Jesus Christ. The eyes. It knows.

I think the character of Layla Miller from Marvel, introduced as a bystander at the beginning of the series, could have a tremendous effect on superhero television shows. The main character is a young woman with an undefined set of powers stuck in a world with a rich history that can be established easily for

FYI, Arcade Fire's new album is Amazon's album of the day and on sale for 3.99 for the full album. For four bucks, I think it's worth it. Might not be at the full price. Will have to give it a few more listens.

Well done, Jason. It's well and good to make a joke, but it's heartening to see someone apologize when it's no longer "just a joke." Thank you.

@BangarangRufio867: Wow, how'd I miss this one. I guess Parker Lewis *can* lose. Ba dum bum.

Oh good, so they should be a perfect delivery system for other diseases (insert invocation of zombie plague here) without that plasmodium getting the way.

@Graviton1066: Which rule is Don't Post Pictures of Yourself Double-fisting 40s if You're Hoping to Find Employment?

@mdjab82001: Yup, I used to like the Ultimate universe because it trimmed the fat and I had hoped they would use the Ultimate universe to do the crazy crap they keep trying to pull in the regular universe. Keep one universe canon, throw the other to the most perverted imaginings of the guys you pay to imagine.

@djfrantz: His power is sucking. And making Deadpool look funnier than he's written at times.

@Burke: Makes you wonder why anyone keeps reading. I stopped when things got way too silly during Morrison's X-men run, but I recently decided to give Marvel another chance with their Avengers books since most of the TPBs were available for 3.99 or less via B&N a few weeks back. Was glad the whole group of trades

My goal in life (yes, I do like setting the bar low, why do you ask?) is to sit in on a storyline plot meeting at Marvel and just spitball the craziest ideas and see which one jars Joey Q out of his flapjacks and bourbon stupor long enough to sign off on it. I'm convinced that I could write X-men comics for a living

What's with all of the strobe lights inside the AT-AT? I didn't think the Empire was that keen on raves.

@Hamslicer: I wish. I saw the terrible pun immediately and wished I hadn't.

If there wasn't a doily under the lamp and a teddy bear in the background, I'd have thought that was my night stand. Nice taste in literature.