
Wow, they're still taunting Willie O'Ree in Montreal? Leave the poor guy alone, it's been 50 years.

@Blast it, Biggs: I was thinking he could convince Elin to do an Ebony and Ivory duet.

Where's the car dealers saying "if you own one of these recalled Toyotas, come trade it for one of our cars at full value of your loan!"? This seems like the perfect opportunity for the vultures to swoop in and wrestle headlines away from the (former?) media darling.

I really liked the concept of this show. I didn't enjoy Season 1 much and I certainly didn't enjoy any season thereafter, but the concept of it made me keep watching until I finally didn't have the time to waste an hour of my life anymore.

Well, considering the website that's posted on is devoted to shirtless men popping muscle poses, I'm afraid I have to call shenanigans and declare this viral marketing in favor of Deadspin. I guess we'll know once Ipumpironmen and sixpackfudge start dropping comments asking which post the circle jerk is located in.

This was a fantastic article and a great use of the sketchy Gawker picture gallery feature. Thank you for the work and step-by-steps that you put into it. Any chance that we can get a look at what happens when you run into a panel that registers a 7 or 8 on the PITAQ scale? I'm just curious how frustrating panel

Making another mention of Gilman's Herland here (project Gutenberg enabled). While it's bent more towards Utopia - and deserves a mention in that old single sex utopia thread - I think it's fodder for dystopia threads as well given the debate between utopia and dystopia pretty much falls around the application of

Not a big fan so far. Every time I boot, I have to disable and re-enable my ethernet connection or else I have "no internet connection." Tried finding an updated driver to no avail. It also broke my VPN client and won't let me completely uninstall it, though I suspect that's more of a Sonicwall problem. Was

Oh hell, my number is 33. Does this mean my name is Gary? Could it be that I'm the numbers guy? I couldn't even solve the damn Da Vinci Code, now I have to become a numerologist?

I wonder what his journal looks like.

They really need to rename this show "Villains" because everyone is just about the equivalent of an old-school Spider-man nemesis. They constantly trip over themselves, angst about it, get overly cocky to compensate, and then ultimately do nothing and/or end up getting punched in the mouth by someone spouting bad

I've got a finely tuned Slacker radio station with a weird mix of stuff popping up at random. It usually doesn't work too well for cranking out projects. I usually have an album or two that I go to to help me cycle through a project (artists that have a strong mix of toe tappers and softer songs) - toe tapping for

I think you can do better, 1001 Nachts.

Hmmmm, any settings adjustments that would keep this (or any other fast copy program) from altering the date modified? I copy a lot of data everyday, but I need to maintain the metadata as much as possible.

@ManuteBalls: Five years of eating from the Lou's and I've yet to develop a heart defect. Just a mild tic and crippling self-doubt.

@Tris Miller: Last time I was at Punters, I'm pretty sure the NEU equivalent of these M.O.B. girls were the only other people in there. That was like a double skeeve cocktail. I'm surprised that place hasn't been razed to the ground yet.

@fattymcgoo: It's all just payback for the five years of "safety school" chants they were throwing at me from across Matthews Arena and Conte.

@fattymcgoo: Okay, but can it wait until after I'm done sending screenshots of the Hockey East standings to my buddies that support BC? It's going to take me a while to photoshop a picture of an eagle crushed under a beanpot.