
Don’t forget gready bastatrds who have sold their souls (to Russia) in order to participate in some kind of no good ideaology.

I LOVE THAT YOU WROTE THIS! I had the same exact conversation with him in my head. I think its a swell move for him. It would make him famous and his legacy would alwasy be remembered as the one who passed universal healh care. I agree with some of the other comments though regarding the lame duck rep Congress we

Love trumps money anytime. You are lucky you had an abundance of it. Can you take that compassion you have towards the people that love you and put it out into the world towards people who never received such love? Its harder to do. Especially if they have alot of money and power or they are a poor drug addict who

My thoughts exactly.

Wow! It apprears to me that Mr. Kumar has really drank the Koolaide. NO matter how obvious and clear it is there is no swaying people who believe in DT. I don’t get how making the super rich richer, destroying our environment, taking away rights of people who already barely have rights as it is, and making it harder

I like some of his advise. I went to the New York Times website to see if it made sense to get a subscription of the times, and what do you know, one of the major customers for the corporate rate NYT was the Trump Hotels.