
While the movie selection is overall subpar for some people. It is actually a pretty fair price of $8 for the Criterion collection, plus ad-supported shows, IMHO

I understand ads are important and necessary, but one between each comment just seems like overkill

I think Dave up there might be my soul mate.

You can masturbate yourself impotent? Shit.

Do not know if you are mad or impressed that you did not mention the Perfect season.

Signing that ball apologetically like that is the most Canadian thing, ever.

Trust your audience, Kevin.

This is surely because of the lack of players who are willing to play the right way.

God, I really hope someone brings up the “Sandy Hook hoax” in front of him.

This is the first mention of a demo derby I have heard since I was home sick watching Happy Days reruns in third grade.

I’m going to believe the NFL on this. Trump really is changing things!

Oh, most definitely.

Who cares? Those girls all knew what they were getting into when they went decided to go to Baylor. The way i see it, it’s their fault.

I feel like this story has less appeal outside New York’s market than Gawkers recent post about the L Train.

You will get no argument from me.

Now playing

This was the first internet video I fell in love with.

Y2k is finally starting to affect us. Playing the long game. I dig it.

I will not research this, but I would like to see the rate of WYTS which involves a bag of dicks. I am guessing 3 out of 5

I think goddamn is the strangest word you cannot say on television.

Never going to not see it, now...