
Davis is one of the most inspired black persons of our time, not just here in the USA but also globally...our family tree expands around the globe. I too share her beliefs of Israel, something that I have been saying for years. Israel’s reputation has been long ruined “in my book”, it has been long ruined during

Gonzales was wrong to have made such a comment, as an officer he has sworn to uphold the law in the highest of integrity. Curtis Jackson initial tweet was also wrong. These thugs, even with success the thuggish life continues. These Cats seem like they’ll never get it..look how many of them have fallen after they have

In the very first article of The Root on Jussie Smollett incident or [suppossedly] incident, I stated in part of my response to the article that it’s best to wait and see what really happened, as too often people have made claims, which later turned out to be false. As we can see here, this story seems to be taking on

I have one thing to say: I am surprised by his blood pressure reading...really now? I don’t believe it for a minute. This is a blatant lie...there’s no way that is blood pressure is 118/80 or 116/60...not for him, period.

Honestly, I don’t know what to make of Mo’nique beef, as this seems to be going on for some time now, ever since her spar with Lee (when I first started hearing about her erratic behavior). I believe that the sister is fighting a few demons. As to Steve Harvey, I am proud of what he has accomplished thus far in his

I am not surprised that Paul Ryan did not take up the bill in the house, period. I saw through Paul Ryan a very long time ago, his behavior towards Obama was keenly observed by me. What I saw was a dude who resented Obama in every sense. Despite what Paul Ryan has said a few times, denouncing acts he deemed racist,

In all seriousness, this is one of the reasons why Donald Trump is president because I am convinced that they are far more racist white people in this country than we are otherwise led to believe. I also would not be surprised if the majority of whites in this country are found to be racist. Both McCain and Romney got

I believe what the author stated what Cindy McCain should have said wraps it up in terms of an apology.

I hope that they will now see why it is important to get the facts. But then what do you expect...if there leader does not read - what do we expect of his supporters? The apple does not fall too far from the tree. It’s always very important to do your homework, check things out thoroughly before making a commitment,

Ignorance just can’t seem to die. The school should close down.

First, I want to say that I am sorry to hear of this, which I first heard in the news via television. No one has the right to determine another person’s life, to tell that person how to live, what to believe in or practice. We can speak, but we do not have the right to enforce our beliefs upon others.

I am glad you feel proud telling us where you got your information from. Why spend time here if you are not willing to learn? You’re one of the hardened blind supporters of Trump that I made reference to in my reply to the article. You guys don’t do your homework because you are being led, led by Faux and others that

Can I say a poor thing? Oh, yes you can - thank you. Well, the article was polite, and sometimes a polite response is more jabbing. Hello Sarah! Oops! I forgot that you don’t read The Root because it is “all of them”...thus, the name is one of the many that you are not familiar with.

The funny thing is, this factual information did not take into consideration, other presidents. I like how the author put this together so simple with such clarity that it could be understood by some of the dumbest people - I mean the Trump hardened supporters that are following him blindly, not those that are

She sure checked his sorry ass. Now, if everyone else could, folks like Mitch McConnell find the gumption to do the same, keep this ass hole pissing his pants, things would be a lot better off. Republicans in the Senate need to act as if the Senate is coequal...a coequal branch of the government, which it is. 

I am trying to understand the school’s position in this case, but nothing from every angle that I have tried to merit the position taken by the school is making any sense. Here is why: (1) this is not a recurring incident by this young man; (2) is the school implying that the young man and his parents should have kn5ow

The crazy invidious within our race. I have always seen her as a nutcase. Frankly, she needs a “real” life...pity the fool as Mr. T would say on the A-Team.

Barbie legs in pants, period.

I agree that it is a ploy they both have concocted, but calling her husband a low-life is unnecessary...I beg to differ where he is concerned.

The danger of some people, and why we must always be careful...if anyone believes that Conway is not part of the scheme with her husband, is a fool. What her husband has been expressing about Trump via Twitter periodically (though true), has been orchestrated and conspired between the both of them.