The society we now live in, one has to be very careful with words...for example, how we use them. I honestly don’t think that this amounts to racism...I think she meant it has an expression - I hope I am correct!
The society we now live in, one has to be very careful with words...for example, how we use them. I honestly don’t think that this amounts to racism...I think she meant it has an expression - I hope I am correct!
We must not lose sight or forget that we still have a whole lot of invidious blacks. These blacks will sell their Mamas in the blink of an eye because they’re stuck on Stupid.
I understand the initial inception of the NRA, but since that time to today, I honestly don’t understand its purpose now! Why are people so stupid - paying dues to an entity that has no power over the 2nd Amendment? The ignorance of many.
To simple put it, they know that they’ve made a horrible mistake, and perhaps a prejudicial one too, thus, what better way to do it, looking for a vindication, than to add a bunch of ad hoc charges. Stupid cops.
OrPart in which I have read of a comment Gina once made, concerning “all lives matter”... this ignorance of her and of many, always upsetted me. And here is why - first, we the supporters of the #blacklivesmatter find such statement blatant ignorant. Secondly, we understood that “all lives matter”, and we’ve not…
I honestly don’t get it when people use racist epithet[s], many are willing to give them a pass or accept their apologies as a slip up - are you kidding me, really? Folks, they speak what is in their hearts...the reflection of who they’re... it’s that simple.
One of the problems, generally speaking with the human race is - ignorance. Too often many have failed to educate themselves. Gina adds herself to that ignorance.
You are missing the point. Everyone understands that she shouldn’t have been traveling that fast... however, jail time for a f***ing ticket - are you serious? White color crimes of fraud, embezzlement, racketeering...etc., being committed every day, and most of these people are getting a slap on the wrist. Whoever you…
I don’t know what else to say, but this is a bunch of’ve criminals out there killing, raping, and robbing people, and the f***ed up system is treating a traffic ticket as a serious crime? No wonder why many don’t have any trust in the system, especially when it comes to minority.
That is what stupidity gets you. Some of us have to learn the hard way, I am really sorry for those who have and will continue to do... that hard baked 🥔 head is just too much... it will never learn anything.
I never did like Megyn Kelly, and I honestly don’t think too much of her, period. When she was on Fox cable entertainment network I did not see much of a difference between she and Bill O’Reilly - they both were two peas in a pod. She somehow gained some likeness because of her…
I meant the larger registered bloc, not voting bloc.
For the life of it, I will never understand why these southern and mid-western states are trying so hard to impede people from voting, especially minorities and young white people! I believe the republicans are stupidly and drunkenly stuck on power. We need to vote so overwhelmingly in every state to bring the…
Very horrible, what a pity. I hope she wins her case.
His apology was one of the most heart felt apologies I have ever heard. I think he was very sincere, and also, I believe him that it was not intentional. Here is my belief - until white Americans, the majority who claims that they are not racist, come out in droves and denounce racism in this is not going…
I am equally curious as many if this is factual to hear him speak. Notwithstanding, my disdain for Trump, not as a human but his personality, this would be another thing to prove that Trumpnis is truely a pathological liar.
The police always win when the victim is black. And injustice continues to be black people’s bane.
We all knew that Omarosa swings wherever the pendulum is swinging. She has always been an opportunist. I never liked her, worse when she joined this nincompoop we’ve in office. She sat, stood, walked, and heard every thing that Trump said during the campaign - the racist innuendos injected by him and said nothing,…
Black people like Owens are of a lost cause. Her voice is limited belonging only to a very tiny community of blacks. Don’t worry, she’ll cry racism again, it’s only a matter of time.
She should have never been fired when it was reported that other males have done similar things. This was a decision based on cowardliness and prejudice because she’s a woman.I hope she wins her case.