
If she did call him the N-Word, no doubt, she was wrong, period, but so was he. He should’ve never laid his hand on her...look where he ends up - 10 years of freedom is gone.

I agree with you 100%.

I agree - why manslaughter was not considered in this case? I believe it n should’ve been part of the jury/court consideration. Anyway, what he did was wrong...we must always practice James 1:19: “quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” He has no one to blame but himself. He does not have my sympathy

If in fact she is really on the blacklist, don’t be surprised if Trump is not behind it (as you have stated in the article). Everyone in his administration is a stooge - honestly, any person of integrity would not work with or work for Donald Trump, period. 

The one question that I have and it is a good one - if Trump didn’t want to be president, why did he work so hard during the campaign, and even embolden America racists?

The thing that I will never understand when it comes to many people and that is the trivial matters that upset them - really now?

My question is if she will be honest - do you, Miss Catania, have a problem with African studies or African Americans and Hispanics? Give her a chance to explain herself. Maybe, now that an investigation is going on she will explain herself truthfully or just lie.

Such is the life in the United States of America. While the current charges maybe minimal - why is her previous record not being considered?

What is so sad about Wendy’s behavior of insinuation is that “sleaze” whether being verbal or of action, was a no, no back in the day, and frankly, was not recognizable but is now an attraction, as far too many people like this type of sh***t.

I honestly don’t even know how to begin my comment. One, because far too many of these things are happening, though isolated. However, one thing we know for sure, and that is, it is coming from the homes that they’re growing up into. The first education comes out of the home. Had this boy and his friends were taught

If we all have been paying attention, one thing is obvious. Racism has been on the [rise] since the election of Obama, and it has emboldened even more so during Trump. Trump apparently was very much aware of this and used it to his advantage on the campaign trail.

This is how sick our nation is...things really have not changed that much. However, I will say that there was a period when it was “more” dormant but since the election of Obama, it has gotten worse. And Trump has since ignited it..thus, the racists now are of the belief that they have been given the premise to be

Some people are just dramatic...will do anything to get attention. Having the window open during their act, is a clear indication that they were seeking attention.

This is a simple answer...the Judge (Holmes) is very biased.

Really now! Everyone, please don’t say that a Judge will dismiss the lawsuit because I have read where Judges have taken up far more stupid cases.

There is so much to unpack in this story but first, let me pause for a moment to gather my thoughts.

To address BLM, we first have to correct ourselves. How do we do this? First, what Halle Berry said. And Secondly, educate ourselves intelligently, like getting a decent education, cohesively working together, having more love for each other, and understanding the history of our ancestors...what they have done for us

There is no ending to ignorance. And why do some of us continue to hang out our dirty laundry in public? Is it possible for black folks to be in a setting without some type of scuffle? Or maybe it depends on the type of black folks? I think it is the latter.

Suliemann Wazeerud-din...this does not happen only in suburban areas only but just about everywhere...just stating this for the record. It’s true that several of us have preferences, not because of race primarily, but for several other reasons. For example, a black patient may want to be seen by a black doctor or a

The sick thugs of the world. Life means nothing to them, and since this is the case - why don’t they just take their own lives? This way innocent people, one, will not be hurt or killed and, two, we’d have a much safer world. A safer world to raise our children, sleep with our windows open if we choose to, and travel