
More need to be done in this hateful matter. The police should do a lot more. They were attacked by two vicious assailants - why aren’t they seeking the other? The person caught should be thoroughly interrogated to reveal the other. Hate is in every race and in every corner of the world...what a sad world we are

Megyn Kelly speaks always with a forked tongue or at least when she was on Fox. Just as one suggestion states in the article, Kelly does hardline talks when it suits her interests. I was never an avid viewer of Fox, however, I caught her show a few times on Fox but honestly was never [overly] impressed.

There was no need for it.This only proves one thing, and that is, police seem to take a joy out of killing black people. This shit has been going on too long...then when they are gunned down by individuals who are tired of it...we hear that there is a war on cops. Well, there seems to be a war on black people, and for

I have to admit, I honestly don’t know what to think of Steve Harvey at times. I sometimes find many of his jokes flat and frankly don’t like the way he uses money as power, especially for someone who calls himself a Christian.

Very chilling, right? Not my child, I mean at that school with such person there in some form of educating capacity. I would move my child out of that school. I honestly believe in rehabilitation, people getting second chances but her kind of crime is not suitable for her current position.

Americans and the world-at-large are dementing right before our eyes. When idiotic words, statements or phrases can get so many likes and retweets, is a prime example that we are losing out on reality. This clown in the white house, in my opinion, may have mastered the Cult game more so than most in these modern

People like this young lady (Kim) are sick...mentally disturbed. There’s a psychological imbalance at play.

I haven’t watched this reality ‘madness’ for quite some time now. Therefore, my comments have very little merit. However, I have read the tweet and it does appear that there could be a tinge of racism in this redneck boy. I am more curious now to catch up on the show when it airs next...just curious to see how it will

These ridiculous shootings by cops need a serious thorough nation-wide investigation...the first question should be: Why are cops so tricky happy? The second question should be: Why these ridiculous shootings, primarily target black people? And the third question should be: If a cop[s] feels it’s necessary to shoot -

First, it’s obvious that this person has some mental issues. Secondly, we are going to continue to deal with people like this Caucasian woman because many of us are still using the n-word, a word that once used as a defamation to demean black people by racist Caucasian people.

As a people on a whole, for the most part we are a very sad race. However, what makes it even sadder is when we proclaim to love God and ultimately look up to him seeking his blessings. The human race in-part is a disgrace.

If everything that I have read in the article is true...this indeed is a miscarriage of justice. However, like #blakknicholson, the fact pointed out by him, I have to admit that I did find that part within the article confusing. The response however, clarified it for me.

These shows most often you can never tell which way they are going to go, especially when most of the votes are tallied from the population at-large. When I used to pay somewhat of an attention to Dancing with the Stars; I thought the time when Emmit Smith won, it actually should’ve gone to Mario and his dancing

Your comment is understood. I agree with everything that you have said. And the verdict, even though it is a reflection in perhaps of all 50 states as to what would have happened, it far more prevalent in the South.

I am disappointed to read that this cop was found not guilty. I was not aware that The Root had recently published an article establishing this fact. This brings tears to my heart that this cop was found not guilty. I watched the video at least three times, and even though the killing took place in the South where

I am not in the position to speak on behalf of others but I welcome leaks. If it weren’t for leaks many things would’ve just swept under the rug. Leaks brought down Nixon and may bring down Trump. The corruption, hate, and everything that is bad are way too rampant in this country.

I have always believed that everyone is entitled to their own opinion whether it is extensively researched, experienced or common-sensically stated. I personally do not believe in illegal drugs known to us as Methamphetamine, Heroin, Ganja/Weed, Cocaine, Crack, and the multiple others of the street. However, I have

Just when we thought people in the world could not get any crazier.

I see one thing from your comment. It appears that you want everyone to see things your way. What is the saying again - It’s either your way or the highway? You expressed no objective views. In addition...why everything has to be viewed from or in a racism spectrum?

It’s clear you are the one that needs to read the article...Angela is the author...duh!!!