And what is your message or response implying??? Interpersonal racism is between individuals, right? Is not this case both interpersonal and systemic to prove Angela’s point (the author)?
And what is your message or response implying??? Interpersonal racism is between individuals, right? Is not this case both interpersonal and systemic to prove Angela’s point (the author)?
Well said.
This country worst sin lives on and will forever, especially in the hearts of those who embody racism. These folks will carry this hate six feet deep and in urns.
You sure painted a pretty good picture. I believe racism exists in many forms and is not above blacks to express it. However, the picture that you’ve painted in that stupid comment of yours is a bunch of hogwash. Honestly, you know what I think...I think what you did was expressed who you really are.
What surprises me more is why his mother appears not to be doing a lot taking this matter more seriously? The article has not expressed any real serious action by his mother. The assistant principal should not have made a blanket statement such as the one expressed in the article unless she welcomes racism…
Having watched the tape, It sounds to me like the n-word was said, however, jokingly it appears. This is neither here or there for me. Nothing here is harmful but I will tell you what is harmful...When we [the African American Community] stop using it (the n-word), we’ll have a more legitimate claim when it is used by…
Well, good for him because had he not done what he did by informing others of his ethnicity in part - how many of us would have known how racist that police precinct is? This also underscores what many African Americans have been saying for years...the racist elements in police precincts throughout the nation. Now…
This boils down to the lack of love and understanding of the human race, it is just that simple.
I saw many of the pending posts, which do not contain any profanity, yet still, they are pending, including mine - why? These comments need to be revealed or made available to be read.
I have one question, and that is - why would any place of worshipping and fellowshipping need to be protected by cops? I am of the belief that a [True] Christian does not need any protection from mankind but from God, the holy spirit, which should serve as our guide and protection through faith.
I disagree with you, even though you’ve alluded to a few points that make sense. We are speaking of the United States of America, not other countries, which makes sense to suit your rationale in part if we were to consider other nations.
It is simple, the denial of “white privilege” is contributed to ignorance, which many in this country are guilty of. And for the record, ignorance has always been a threat to democracy and intelligence.
I am not getting you at comprendo bro. I think your history needs a little fine tuning. Happy easter...
Good for him, no one knows his story better than he does with the exception of those that are or were involved alongside with him. Good for him, and I am wishing him the best...
Cops have been getting away with this for years, it only became a revelation because of technology, in this case, cell phones with video capability. I am wondering what the Fox cable network Caucasian types have to say after seeing this because in their eyes police are always right regardless of their behavior. The…
Until we have serious gun laws in this country, I am sorry but we are going to continue to experience massacre like this and what took place at Sandy. My condolences to all who suffered.
I agree with the last paragraph in the article...that paragraph cement it for me.
Well, I will not criticize you, I actually read some valid points in your article. I also believe that your findings are accurate. However, if we compare children of today who hardly receive any whipping to children to what we refer to as “back in the day” who did get a lot of or more [whipping] there is such a huge…
Well, credit to him for not being a fake, at least he has stuck to his claim.
I am honestly wondering how many military blacks during his tenure in Afghanistan he killed? This is not unlikely, it’s likely that he could have! I know this because, I too have served in the military - a long time ago. And during my tenure, I personally have heard peers serving with me, vowed and wished for a war to…