
Charles Martinet, the guy who’s been canonically voicing Mario for 30 years, partially based his portrayal of him on Petruchio from Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew. Martinet is a classically-trained actor and improv’d his whole audition by himself, so it’s not like he was some loser off the street who was

Why does nobody ever mention 1986's Super Mario Bros.: The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach? It was a Japan-only movie but not obscure (there are fansubs/dubs online), and while the ending was disappointing it was a much more faithful Mario movie than the 1993 English-language live-action one (especially given

Dude I highly recommend a non-hyped Mario game then (like the first two Paper Marios, SMRPG, etc.), plenty of hidden gems. The whole franchise isn’t all NSMB clones.

I think the OP is talking about quality/brand faithfulness and caring about their work, not the money they make.

No, it’s because people want him to be voiced by his actual voice actor of 30+ years. Everyone knows this fully well, it’s not about people wanting representation or “fashionable dogmas” whatever that’s supposed to vaguely reference. 

They’re not saying this is the first movie to do this “let’s hire the famous actor-of-the-minute instead of giving actual VAs a chance”. It’s that most movies which do something like this are typically about original characters who often have been created with a live-action actor in mind, in which case they usually

Oh Mario’s more recognizable than Mickey Mouse, even going back to 1990 (when the claim was first made). Especially since Disney uses Mickey as a figurehead mascot now (he barely appears in anything) while the princesses and Star Wars have sorta become the face of the company.

If this was a totally original production then your point would stand. But this isn’t some brand-new character made in the image of a celebrity actor, this is Mario. He’s been a household name longer than half the actors have been alive. His own marketing is more powerful than what the actors would bring to it, and if

That doesn’t make sense here, and the “something something fans overreact” is unnecessary. Charles Martinet is Mario’s only iconic voice for multiple generations of people. He’s also a classically-trained actor and does normal-sounding Mario and Luigi improv in real-time at the Nintendo World Store NYC (there’s a ton

It’s not as much because Chris Pratt is the “dude to hate”, it’s more that Mario fans reasonably expect a Mario movie to use the voice of Mario. Not some random celebrity who was picked for blatantly pointless reasons, which people are understandably disappointed about after waiting 40 years for an English-language

I mean...does it really need to be explained?