
They won’t be awarded that much, even if they win. You shoot high in a civil lawsuit because a) settling out of court means negotiating an amount and that will be much less than asked for in the suit, b) even if it goes to court, the actual amount awarded is determined by the judge/jury, and that’s often a lot less.

Aaaaaand, just like that, the entire first comment tree is a relitigation of the evidence, because armchair detective and forensic scientists on a Jez comment board are totally going to solve it, this time.

The opened themselves up to this when they named him. I’m not surprised at all. They tried to make a new “the Jinx” and failed.

No. Peter Thiel only finances lawsuits about media companies that publish true things. He doesn’t care about media companies that may be spreading misinformation. He’s against transparency. Suing companies that may be lying would have the unfortunate side effect of increasing transparency.

Yep. The amount of money someone puts in a complaint should always be the focus, not the alleged wrongdoing of the defendant.

Male DNA was found inside her underwear, and it was tested and proven not to belong to any Ramsey family member. That’s some pretty strong evidence that it wasn’t Burke or John.

That settles it then.

The confederacy is a cancer on our nation and it has metastasized. The prognosis is not good. 

They are all over Michigan. I would doubt any one of these damned fools has even been to a southern state, they just love the racism.

Slightly off topic but I saw a truck with a confederate battle flag on it with Rhode Island plates in Rhode Island and I really don’t know what to think anymore.

But is he though....? Is he reeeeeallly??

He sits on a school board and thinks all schools should display a picture of Trump. You know, like they do in North Korea.

I would also like to become Mrs. Robot.

Misogynoir too.

“It has nothing to do with race,”

What a perfect, amazing little suitcase bomb of fucked-uped-ness that was. Like, he hit that racism, misogyny, transmisogyny, homophobia... am I missing any?

What, are you nuts? That Bronco kicks ass. You must be one of those people who hates basically everything.

Being comfortable with believing the opposite of reality got Trump elected so I’m sure you’ll go far with that.

Well according to law enforcement the celebrity in the bright blue truck was not at fault.

“I speak for Asians when I say we’re upset at you.” “Can you explain why you think people are upset about this thing, so I can understand.” “This bitch thinks I speak for Asians, fuck her.”