
Every time folks here in Tejas call me an “elitist intellectual”, I just answer, “Yep. Sure am.” Then I tell them that edumacation is too expensive to not use. Otherwise, why go to school at all?

Exactly. I pissed off my niece’s fiance for pointing out that the GOP did indeed resist Obama every single step of the way. And pointing out how the treatment Trump is getting is incredibly hypocritical for them to complain about. Since he hadn’t read about it on news he sees, it must not be true.

And when their taxes go up and wages are cut, I will have a similar lack of sympathy. This is what you voted for, bub, so don’t come crying to me.

That’s the really hard part of this shit. Idiots will never realize they’re idiots. It’s the “playing chess with a pigeon” story - even if you win, the pigeon struts around like he did and knocks over all the pieces and shits on the board.

HOW DARE you assert there’s some sort of objective reality that isn’t dependent on my feelings and what I read on Bretibart!

Yes, the mere act of identifying a fucking moron is the ultimate condescension because we should respect their feefees while they disrespect our rights

I will have zero sympathy for these people when their Medicare/Medicaid is cut and the economy goes into a recession because they’re clearly stupid. Unfortunately, the rest of us have to suffer as well.

Right — if smart is bad, then why do they get mad when we call them stupid? Isn’t that what they think is best? They should thank us.

Right, because god knows people like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are never, ever smug.

Right? Oh, am I an intellectual elitist because I like facts? Well, so be it then.

But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.

Way to read the article before commenting, there.

This is Donald Trump’s America.

Sometimes I picture him sadly putting on his little engineer cap as he switches on his electric train set and whispers, “It’s just the two of us again, Mr. Locomotive.”

And fuck this one too!

Awww, Crazy Choo-Choo is trhowing a tantrum again.

Just FYI, Locomotive Jones is a long-time Gawker troll who infested Jezebel after Gawker got shut down. He occasionally manages to sound fairly rational, when he’s not doing things like posting pictures of women at Clinton rallies and rating the ones hot enough for him to rape, but not engaging and/or dismissing is

Im really stoked about the ACLU getting that funding. Good on Heard.

Fuck you depp.

Screw that guy and Delta.