
at least some percentage of them (all straight white dudes with nothing much to lose, of course) seem to be enjoying watching everything burn because they think it’ll force us sheeple to wake up and so forth. God, what it must be like to be that comfortable.

My friend didn’t vote in the UK referendum (I don’t think she votes at all) and she now posts anti-Brexit things on Facebook and one of these days I am going to snap and let her know exactly what I think of that pile o’ bullshit. God forgives but I don’t.

I know about five people who massively hate Hillary and spent the last several months acting like she is Mrs Skeletor von Hitler and they’re all upset about a Trump presidency like those things aren’t in any way causally related. And they are all straight white men because of fucking course.

White millennials?

I don’t think bernie supporters cost Hillary the election (I’m not one of those internet commenter people who always has fussy things like statistics at my fingertips, but i’m relatively sure that’s true).

Yeah when people are like “eh I sucked it up and dealt with YOUR GUY being in charge for 8 years” I’m just like okay but this isn’t MITT ROMNEY or someone. This is an internet troll.

One of my best friends was a non-voter. I tried like hell, but she wouldn’t budge. Something about how her vote doesn’t really count (we live in a MAJOR swing state) and she didn’t want to get called for jury duty (which is BS because they draw from driver’s licenses now too). And now she’s panicking and saying

They don’t want obvious fascism.

Except we’re getting obvious fascism.

Fascism will be represented by a dirty mop coif rather than a toothbrush mustache.

As someone that supported Bernie in the primaries I highly suspect a good number of his supporters that said they’d “hold their nose” and vote for her actually gave secret, spiteful hate votes against her to Trump.

Pence is going to be doing most of the scut work anyway. I’d rather he be the actual president than the president-in-all-but name so we can get him out of power sooner. Sure he sucks—both of them suck—but at least he’s not going to go on a Twitter tirade if someone hurts his pwecious feewings or refuse to stay at the

I also voted for Bernie in the primary so you’re not telling me anything I don’t know.

So Trump is already starting to “appoint” favored media to which he’ll grant his press releases and puff pieces? Fine. This might just be the wakeup call that the media needs. For too long, the press has relied on releases and “media kits” to cover news and culture. As a PR flak, I’ve seen entire passages from my

Penises!? I’ll bet it’s penises!

The people in my life who were Bernie bros or other third-partiers and spent the last year DRAGGING hillary and then either didn’t vote for her when it counted or else smugly confessed to holding their noses and voting for her are now all upset and panicking and it makes me want to fucking scream.

He surrounds himself with the devastatingly incompetent, the homicidally bigoted, people celebrated by literal Nazis, he lost the popular vote, he runs crying to mommy at the slightest rebuke from anyone, continues to conduct business while receiving top secret briefings, wants to wipe out overtime pay laws, has his

Noted white nationalist for Chief Strategist (Steven Bannon)

He’ll be briefed on some crazy shit like aliens

Ha! It’ll take wayyyyy less than that. He’ll be briefed on some crazy shit like aliens and tell us all about it 5 minutes later.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The first time Trump gets into a snit with the CIA/FBI, etc., those state secrets will be all over Twitter by 3 am.

Totally! It’s amazing how their “keep the gov’t out of my personal life” rhetoric drifts away when it comes to people whose personal lives they don’t agree with.