
The Bachelor franchise would collapse upon itself; saying “I’m on this voyage to find love” just doesn’t cut it.

I read Eat Pray Love as a memoir, not as a self-help book advising people to do what she did. I also appreciate it when we get examples of women who choose not to have kids or partner the way society/relatives/peers think we’re supposed to.

Erm...most people do go into marriage, even their second or third, thinking its for life. You don’t usually get married with a shared expectation of divorce.

Shoot, it’s beautiful! They have beauty in Siberia? Well slap my ass and call me Sue! (Sorry, just trying to inject some levity here.)

No shit.

I know. We all know. I don’t even remember if it was in ours. Yet it’s this highly recognizable tradition that I made a small joke about. BUT THERE ARE MANY COUNTRIES AND CULTURES WHO DON’T SAY THOSE WORDS GODDAMMIT

So, you’re saying she’s the literary equivalent of Taylor Swift?

That’s not what I meant by my statement at all. I meant that as a young gay, much like many gay people before me, falling in love with my best friend helped me realize I was gay. That’s all I meant. Chill out.

Just following your lead dear, exhausting though it is

Irkutsk. :)

I used to drink and post, too. Cheers

Oh. I was just commenting in agreement(?) on this sort of American based blog, with its attendant cultural trappings. Are you in Lithuania? Or Mozambique? Or the Mongolian Steppe? Papua New Guinea? Irktusk? (that one’s on the Risk game board, I have no idea if it’s a real place)

They should really take out that “til death do us part” bit.

Not “had sex with an unconscious woman behind a dumpster”, he “RAPED an unconscious woman behind a dumpster”.

Why are we still pretending to listen to this man? Isn’t he essentially what Dr. Phil is to psychology and Dr. Oz is to GP? Like, sure, at one point they were real people who did real things to help people, but now they’re just cheap hacks desperate to turn as many tricks as possible to make that sweet, sweet

Honestly, this has become ridiculous. Sometimes its “we need more representation of non-typical beauty”, then its “she doesn’t look as good as 90's (typical) model beauty”. She is a young, tall, thin, symmetrical faced, woman who yes has a famous family, but all the same. She fits the Vogue mold, so she’s on it.

Thank you for providing the in-depth journalism we need in these troubled times.

I just lost my mind and read like 20 blind items in a row. Here’s what the consensus seems to be plus my analysis:

What evidence do we have that her children were well cared for? She deliberately violated a no-contact order, apparently choosing a highly questionable romantic relationship over caring for her young children. Nothing about this woman screams “functional mother.”

It’s still illegal, no matter the age of the child. This is not at all comparable to LGBT rights.